Creating Query-based Tabs and Summary Elements

A query-based tab (QBT) is a mini business process log within a business process form that displays a filtered list of specific business process records in the tab line item list.

You can create multiple detail forms for a Document type, Line Item type, and Cost type business processes, in uDesigner. Each advanced Document-type business process enables you to include/create up to fifteen tabs, including the query-based tabs.

Note: The first detail form in Document type business process must be used to define only a Document-type standard tab that has a folder structure. The subsequent detail forms must be used to define either the Line Item type or the query based tabs.

You are required to add a Reference Picker in the Upper Form of a business process that the user wants to run the query.

You can use a query-based tab to:

For example, a contract's QBT can display all change orders issued against that contract. Another QBT on the same contract record can display all invoices against it. The records displayed in the QBT's line item list are from the same level (project or company.)

Business Processes that do not support query-based tabs include Simple, Resource, Text, RFB, and Project/Shell Creation.

Under the corresponding business process, Query Items has two sub-nodes:

The Item Logs log accommodates both detail form line items lists and query items. The logs contains:

Required References

You must define references in the source business process from which you want to display information. For example, if Meeting Minutes is the destination business process in which you want to display Action Items data, then:

Related Topics

Query-based Tabs

Summary Elements

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024