Auto-Populate Scheduled Value and Commit Remaining Balance in Change Commits and General Spends

To auto-populate the Schedule Value and Commit Remaining Balance from the referenced SOV line item into the Detail form of the Change Commit BPs, select Scheduled Value (uuu_scheduled_value) and Commit Remaining Balance(uuu_commit_remaining_balance) in the Source Elements window. The Element Properties log of the Standard Detail form displays Commit Line Item picker/ Reference as an additional source to auto-populate.

This selection is applicable for:

BP Types: Change Commit (All SOV Types having line item with CBS Code) , General Spends

SOV Types: General Spends, Payment Applications, and Summary Payment Applications

Note: To ensure Commit Line Item Picker/Reference displays as a source for auto-population, ensure you include the data element, uuu_sovlinum, in the standard Detail form.

To auto-populate the Schedule Value and Commit Remaining Balance from the referenced SOV line item into the Detail form:

  1. In the Change Commit Detail form, add the uuu_sovlinum data element,


    In General Spends BP, add the bitem data element.

  2. Select a custom data element and click Auto-populate from the Element Properties window.
  3. In Change Commit BP Detail form, select the source as commit line item picker/label of uuu_sovlinum data element


    In the General Spends BP, select the source SOV Picker/ label of data element bitemid'

  4. In the Source Elements window select uuu_scheduled_value or uuu_commit_remaining balance.
  5. 5.Click OK.

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024