About User Data Pickers

User pickers are common elements in the application. There are several user pickers available for you to choose from in the application, and you can also design your own user pickers for your business case by using the User Picker Data Definition.

Your own user pickers, which you created by using the User Picker data definition, cannot be auto-populated or updated by way of reverse auto-population (RAP).

If you want the user pickers that you created be auto-populated or updated by way of reverse auto-population (RAP), you must use a separate data picker definition that is called the User Data Picker. Refer to the Unifier Data Reference Guide for more details about the User Data Picker data definition.

The log displayed for the User data picker is based on the log design prepared in uDesigner.

Like other data pickers, the user data pickers are designed in uDesigner and set up to query the database by the Administrator in Unifier. They will display all company and partner users according to the query the Administrator specifies when setting up the business process or configurable manager.

Note: You can create user data picker elements only if a User Attribute form is designed in uDesigner.

In the Data Picker Configuration window, under the Additional Filter block (see Using Filters for more details), the Apply User Attributes to the picker log and display element from Project/Shell directory option enables you to fetch the User Attributes data from the project directory, when User Data Picker is launched.

The list of users displayed also will be from the project directory. In addition, the value for the display element for any auto-populate field or user data picker would be fetched from the project/shell directory.

If the Apply User Attributes to the picker log and display element from Project/Shell directory option is selected (checked), the values will come from the project/shell whether the user is trying to fetch data from or apply data to any particular field.

The Apply User Attributes to the picker log and display element from Project/Shell directory option is enabled only if the Filter list of Users/Group based on Project/Shell Membership option is selected.

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024