Adding Link Elements to a Form

For some components, uDesigner displays a Link Elements option on the Forms toolbar. Linking creates a dynamic connection between a field on a source form, such as a Shell or Schedule Attribute form, and a field or fields on a destination form, such as a child Shell, or a Business Process.

Note: This feature does not work like Auto-Population. Auto-population is static; it happens only once at the creation step of a Business Process. Element-linking is dynamic; the elements always reflect a current value as the value in the source element changes.

This section explains the following topics:

Business Process Upper Forms and Linked Elements

The Business Process Upper Forms and Detail Form toolbars contain the Link Elements option. The Link Elements option in the Upper Forms toolbar is used to define the DEs that need to be linked to a source and become the linked DEs to an Upper form. The following explains the fields related to the Business Process Upper Forms. The fields related to the Business Process Detail Form are explained later in this section.

The Linked Elements window has the following options:

Whether you add an element by way of "Add by Shell" or by way of "Add by Picker" options, the element appears in the Linked Elements window, and the Linked Elements window provides the following information:

For linked elements added by way of "Add by Picker" option, this column displays a list of "P6 Activity Attribute" labels that the user selected, when adding the linked element. On the destination form, the linked field:

As explained in detail below, the Linked Elements are suitable for business cases such as:

After you define the linked elements by using the "Linked Elements" option, the user can add the linked elements to the Business Process Upper form and perform the following:

When the user opens an Upper form and clicks Linked Elements, the resulting window displays all linked elements as defined by way of "Linked Elements" option, in the Upper form toolbar.

Note: When the user clicks Custom to add custom DEs to the Upper form, the resulting window does not display any of the DEs that have been defined as available linked element for the Business Process Upper form.

All the linked elements that have been added by way of "Add By Picker" option have the same properties as those of an existing linked elements. These added linked elements:

For all types of Business Processes which support linking elements, the Linked Elements option is available on the toolbar of the Upper Forms and Detail Form logs.

For all types of Shells which support linking elements, the Linked Elements option is available on the toolbar of the Detail Form log.

For all other objects in uDesigner (Space Manager, Portfolio Manager, and so forth) that support linking elements, the Linked Elements option is available on the toolbar of the Forms log.

You cannot use this feature for an anchor shell or at the company level.

You cannot use this feature for Request for Bid (RFB) and Resource Booking business processes.

You cannot link elements that are from a template that is linked to the form.

You cannot link elements that are part of a dynamic data set.

System-defined Data Elements

In the Linked Data Element Picker window (Company workspace > uDesigner > Admin mode > Business Processes > <BP NAME> > Upper Forms), use the following system-defined data elements (DEs) in the upper form for the Change Commit CBS type (which updates the General Spends type SOV), and the General Spends BP CBS type (which updates the General Spends type SOV):

You cannot include the predefined Scheduled Value and Commit Remaining Balance DEs as linked DEs in the upper form

If the predefined Scheduled Value and Commit Remaining Balance DEs are not referenced in the General Spends type SOV, then you cannot include those DEs as linked DEs in a BP upper form.

The linked elements:

You can add linked data elements to any BP upper form by using the Linked Elements option.

The data element will be read-only, once added to the upper form, and the data element can be updated by way of selecting the referenced Commit BP record.

Business Process Detail Form and Linked Elements

Similar to the Business Process Upper Forms, the Detail Form toolbar contain the Link Elements option. The Link Elements option in the Detail Form toolbar is used to define the DEs that need to be linked to a source and become the linked DEs to a Detail form.

The "Add by Shell" option is not available for a Detail form.

The available options under the Link Element option in a Detail form are:

Business Process and Linked Elements Errors

As mentioned, the Linked Elements, or Dynamic Linking, is available for a Business Process Upper Forms and Detail Form. Users will receive error messages:

Shell Attribute Forms and Linked Elements

You can include the DEs of DD = P6 Activity Picker on CBS type Shells. When you define the link elements for a Shell Attribute form, the resulting window displays the following options:

After you define the link elements, the user can add the elements to the Shell Attribute form. If you include a linked DE on a form by do not include the source picker element, then an error message will be generated by the system.

Other uDesigner Objects and Linked Elements

For the following objects in uDesigner that support Link Elements on their Detail forms by way of Properties window, the process is similar to that of a Business Process and Linked Elements

The Link Elements window for these objects has the following options, only:

Additional Information about Linked Elements

In This Section

For Re-Organizing Shells

For Accessing Schedule Information

For Including Dynamically Updated Data on Planning Items

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024