Selecting Fields for Unifier on Mobile App

If you are abbreviating a form layout for a mobile device:

If you include any field that is part of a dynamic data set, then you must include all the fields in the set.

To select the data elements for mobile devices:

  1. Open the form that you want to make available on the mobile device (business process, asset class form or shell attribute form).
  2. In the Form Designer window, click the Properties button. The Elements Properties window opens.
  3. Click the Mobile button. The Mobile Elements window opens.
  4. Click the Add button. A Column Header Properties window opens.
  5. In the Data Element Label field, select the field you want the form to show on the mobile device.
  6. Click Add to add another field, or click OK to close the window.
  7. On the Mobile Elements window, you can move the fields into the order you want them to appear on the mobile device. Click OK to close the window. As shown, the Mobile column will display a Yes value for every field that appears on the version of the form shown on the mobile device.
  8. On the Elements Properties window, click Close.

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024