Creating an Upper Interface

The upper form of an integration interface collects the upper form information of a business process. The integration upper form is where you choose the form that verifies the required fields. Be sure you include all the required fields from the form you choose.

To create an upper integration interface

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click uDesigner > Business Processes.
  3. Open the business process and click the Integration > Upper in the left Navigator.
  4. Click the New button.
  5. In the Upper Design window:
    1. Enter a Name and Description for the interface.
    2. In the Validation Form field, select the upper form you want to use to verify the required fields for the interface.

      The list displays only the action forms that were created for the business process.


      • Images are not supported for import through CSV, Microsoft Excel, and web services. You must ensure that the validation form that is used for creating the record does not include image picker fields.
      • Required fields in a hidden block of the form will not be exposed in the Import template. If the hidden fields are a part of the validation form, then the import will fail. It is important that the validation form, used in the integration interface, is designed correctly to prevent import errors.
    3. Click the Data Elements tab.
    4. To add a field to the interface, click Add. The Add Data Element window opens.
    5. In the Add Data Element window, enter the following information:
      1. In the Element Label field, choose the field you want to add to the interface. The Data Element field will show the actual name of the data element you chose.
      2. In the Direction field, select how the interface should direct the data in this field:
      • Select Input to receive data into Unifier in CSV or XML formats to create records or line items.
      • Select Output to send data from Unifier in XML format using Web Services.
      • Select Both to send and receive data between Unifier and any external application in XML format using Web Services.


        • Query-based data elements (QBDE) can only be included as read-only fields in the Upper form design. If you modify an existing business process design in the Draft mode, and it already included QBDEs with Direction set as Input or Both in the Integration tab prior to this change, the system will display errors during an error check. To resolve these errors, update the Direction for QBDEs as Output in the Integration tab.
        • Unifier will dismiss direct QBDE value updates, if the "refresh" condition has not been defined, or the "trigger element" is not updated through input request.
    6. Rearrange the order of the data elements using any of the following actions:
      • Click the Move Up and Move Down buttons to reorder the data elements.
      • Click the Update Order button to change the order of the rows in the Row column
  6. Click OK.

Related Topics

Using the Move Up/Move Down keys

Editing the Row column

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024