Creating a Detail Interface

A detail integration interface will collect line item information from the detail forms of business processes and the attribute/detail forms of managers. You can include any field on the detail form. A validation form is not necessary because the required fields are specified on the interface upper form (if there is one).

To create a detail integration interface:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click uDesigner > Business Processes.
  3. Open the business process or manager attribute form and click Integration > Detail in the left Navigator.
  4. Click the New button. The Design window opens.
  5. Enter a Name and Description for the detail interface.
  6. Click the Data Elements tab.
  7. To add a field to the interface, click Add. The Add Data Element window opens.
  8. In the Element Label field, choose the field you want to add to the interface. The Data Element field will show the actual name of the data element you chose.
  9. In the Direction field, select how the interface should direct the data in this field:
    • Input means the data will be imported into Unifier, using either csv or xml format, to create records or line items.
    • Output means the data will be exported from Unifier via Web Services, using xml format.
    • Both means the data will be available for both import and export between Unifier and an outside system via Web Services, using xml format.
  10. Click OK.

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024