Design Requirements for the Portfolio Manager

Design Requirements for the Portfolio Manager

For the Portfolio Manager to work effectively in Unifier, you will need to create the following components in UDesigner:

Portfolio Attribute Form

Describes the type of portfolio being created, such as "capital." The information from this attribute form appears as a record in the Portfolio Manager log.

Log for the portfolios

Lists the portfolios currently in use in Unifier. Allows users to choose the portfolio they want to work with.

Design Flow

The following outlines the design steps necessary to launch the manager and create a portfolio.

1. Create a data structure (if necessary).

See Creating a Data Structure.

2. Launch the manager.

See Launching a Manager.

3. Create a portfolio detail form.

See the instructions beginning with Starting an Attribute or Detail Form for a Manager.

Mandatory fields for the portfolio form:

  • Creator ID—creator_id
  • Creation date—uuu_creation_date
  • Portfolio name—uuu_ppm_name
  • Period picker—uuu_ppm_period_picker

4. Create a log for the portfolios.

See Designing a Log for a Manager.

5. Create an integration interface to push information from an approved portfolio to the project/shell attribute form.

See Integration.

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024