To prepare a shell for use in Unifier:

What is a Configurable Shell?

Shells are:

Shell "Types," Shell "Instances," and Sub-Shells

Shell types are designed in uDesigner. A shell type could be "Building" or "Country.

Shell instances are created in Unifier and are based on a shell type. Instances of a Building shell type could be different buildings, such as "Olympic Stadium," "Eiffel Tower," or "Taj Mahal." Country instances could be "China," "India," or "France."

Sub-shells do not occur until the administrator builds the shell hierarchy. Then shell types can be arranged in shell—sub-shell relationships, such as Country—Building. The Country shell would list China, India, and France. The Building sub-shell would list Eiffel Tower, Olympic Stadium, and Taj Mahal.

The uDesigner user:

The Unifier administrator:

Creates the shell types





  • Imports the shell types and organizes them into hierarchies. For example:






  • Creates shell instances.
  • Specifies what functions and features will be included in the shell, such as a cost manager (standard or generic), Resource Manager, Schedule Manager, and so on.

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024