Starting a New Design

After you create the data structure for a design, you can start the design process. This section provides an overview and instructions on starting the designs for the components that will be used by the users in Unifier:

Starting a new design begins a different process, depending on what you are creating—a project/shell, manager, business process, asset class, plan, or spaces and levels.

Before you continue further, it may help to review Business Processes Overview. That topic contains links to descriptions of each business process type and what it needs, design-wise, to operate effectively. What each manager needs to become active in Unifier is described in the topics describing each manager.

You will be using uDesigner to build the forms, workflows (where required), and logs that constitute a business process or other Unifier component. What you create in uDesigner is what the user will use in Unifier.

How your design in uDesigner looks in Unifier. The values that you put in uDesigner fields will directly correspond to form fields in Unifier.

In This Section

Overall Steps for Creating a Design

Starting a New Design (Edit Studio)

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024