Unlinking an Upper Form From a Template

When you unlink a form from a template, uDesigner leaves the block on the form design; however, the fields in the block are now available for any of the field functions, such as formulas or auto-population.

To unlink the form from a template:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click uDesigner > Business Processes.
  3. Open the business process with the template you want to unlink and go to Templates > Upper Forms in the Navigator.
  4. On the right pane, select the name of the template you want to unlink from the form.
  5. Click the Usage button. The Template Usage window opens, showing a list of all the upper forms the template is linked to.
  6. Select the upper form you want to unlink and click the Unlink button.
  7. Click Close Window.

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024