Setting Up the PSFT_EMC_GETMAIL Node

Email collaboration uses the Integration Broker framework to retrieve new emails from the response repository. The node PSFT_EMC_GETMAIL is used to retrieve these emails. Integration Broker must be configured and pub/sub must be enabled.

See PeopleTools: Integration Broker Administration, Administering Messaging Servers for Asynchronous Messaging.

Page Name

Definition Name


Node Definitions


PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Nodes

Set up the PSFT_EMC_GETMAIL node.

Node Properties


Click the Properties link on the Node Definitions page.

Modify the node properties required for email collaboration to function.

To set up the PSFT_EMC_GETMAIL node:

  1. Access the Node Definitions page (PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Node Definitions), activate the PSFT_EMC_GETMAIL node.

  2. Click the Properties link to access the Node Properties page.

  3. Enter the email address of the email repository in the EMC_REPOSITORY_EMAILADDRESS property.

  4. Enter the email address to hold reply emails in the EMC_REPLYTO property.

    Note: Do not enter the same e-mail address for EMC_REPOSITORY_EMAILADDRESS and EMC_REPLYTO.

  5. (Optional) On the Node Properties page, enter appropriate values (email address) for these properties to automatically send a copy of all collaborative emails to the address specified:



  6. Access the Connector page.

    This node uses the GETMAILTARGET target connector. You will need to configure the GETMAILTARGET properties.

    See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework, Configuring the Email Channel, Configuring PeopleSoft Integration Broker for the Email Channel.

    Note: If you want to delete mails after reading them, You need to provide a mail server that supports IMAP4 folders. This feature does not support POP3 protocol.

  7. Save the node.