Adding Chatbot to Application pages

After configuring the Bot ID, chatbot can be rendered on relevant fluid pages of the application. Based on the Chatbot Type selected in the Bot Definition page, the chat client can be rendered as a tile or as a widget. This section discusses:

PeopleSoft delivers the tile for the delivered skills. To enable the delivered skill as a tile in a page:

  1. From the relevant Homepage, choose the Personalize Homepage option.

  2. Choose the Add Tile button.

  3. Add the delivered Chatbot Tile to the homepage.

To create and enable the tile for the chatbot for a new skill:

  1. Create a new Content Reference to create the tile for the chatbot. See Administering Content References section under Portal Technology in the PeopleTools Online Help.

  2. In the General tab, Under URL Information section, choose URL Type as PeopleSoft Generic URL

  3. At the end of the URL, enter the text BOTID=<BotID> where <BotID> is the ID of the Bot definition.

  4. In the Security tab, ensure that the permission list EOCB_CLIENT_USER is added. Also add the roles that were added to the Bot ID in the Maintain Bot Definition Page

  5. In the Fluid Attributes tab, select the Display In field value as Modal.

 Content Reference General tab.

Content Reference General tab

This example illustrates the Content Reference Security tab.

Content Reference Security tab

This example illustrates the Content Reference Fluid Attributes tab.

Content Reference Fluid Attributes tab

Once this is done, Add the tile to the relevant homepages.

This example illustrates the Chatbot tile on a homepage

Chatbot Tile on a desktop

Adding the chatbot as a widget in a page requires mapping it to the required component and then creating the related content service.

Use the Component Mapping page (EOCB_COMPSRCH_FL) to map a bot to a component. This can then be configured to appear as a widget on the component page.


Enterprise Component > Chabot Configurations > Chatbot Component Mapping > Component Mapping

This example illustrates the Component Mapping page

Component Mapping page

To add a new component, click the Add button.

Use the Maintain Component Mapping page (EOCB_COMP_ASSOC_FL) to associate Bot IDs to a component.

This example illustrates the Maintain Component Mapping page

Maintain Component mapping page

Field or Control



Choose the component in which the bot needs to be enabled.


Choose the market.

Enable Chatbot

Select Yes to enable a chatbot on the component. After you save the component mapping, the event mapping configuration is automatically created for all the Content References that point to the selected component.

Note: This toggle is disabled when you implement the Global Chatbot feature. Global chatbots manage associated bots and override settings using the Global Chatbot Configuration - Override Settings Page.


Specify the chatbot preference order for the user if multiple bots are associated with a component.

Bot ID

Choose the Bot ID of the bot to be associated for the component.

Bot Name

Name of the bot is displayed based on the selected Bot ID.


Click the Add Details link to open the Add Chatbot Parameters modal.

This example illustrates the Add Chatbot Parameters Modal

Add Chatbot Parameters

As an admin user or application developer, you can create application package and corresponding application class for a specific chatbot. It gives you more control in managing the chat widget in a component. Based on your business requirements, you can configure the context data to be passed and also whether to conditionally hide or display the widget.

Additional Context

Here, you can specify the application package, class and method you have created for passing additional context details.

Field or Control


Package Name

Select the application package.


Select the required path.

Class ID

Select the application class ID.


Select the application class method. The value returned after execution of this application class are passed as contextual parameters when the chat client is launched. The contextual parameters can then be retrieved within the Skill Dialog flow from user profile variable - ps_context_pram.

Conditional Display

Even if the chatbot widget is enabled, as an application developer, you can conditionally hide or display the widget based on your business requirements.

Field or Control


Package Name

Select the application package you have created with conditions.


Select the required path.

Class ID

Select the application class ID.


Select the application class method. The boolean value returned after execution of this app class controls the visibility of the chat widget.

Note: This feature applies to the HCM pillar only.

Once you save, the chatbot widget becomes available at the bottom right corner of the application page.

This example illustrates the Chatbot widget on the application page

Chatbot Widget on a Desktop