Adding or Changing Enterprise Catalog Data

You use the Maintain Enterprise Catalog Data page to manually enter and change data about the enterprise catalog.

Page Name

Definition Name


Maintain Enterprise Catalog Data Page


Manually enter and change data about the enterprise catalog and its associated partners' offerings.

Partner Offering Detail page


Review associated partner offering information.

Use the Maintain Enterprise Catalog Data page (EOCM_ADD_PROD) to manually enter and change data about the enterprise catalog and its associated partners' offerings.


Catalog Management > Catalog Management Home

Select an enterprise catalog

Maintain Enterprise Catalog Data

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Enterprise Catalog Data page.

Maintain Enterprise Catalog Data page

You use this page to:

  • Add new catalog offerings.

  • Modify catalog offering descriptions.

  • Add, remove, or change categories.

  • Review associated partner offerings.

Note: New catalog offerings are added to the current working version of the enterprise catalog. Any catalog offerings that have been manually added can only be updated when they are either staged or in production.

Field or Control


Category ID

Change the existing category or add a new category.

Primary Category

Select to indicate the offering's primary category. This is the category used for Supply Chain Management.

Offering Details

Click to access the Partner Offering Detail page and view more information about an offering.