Approving Categorization Results

The enterprise catalog manager is responsible for approving, or rejecting proposed categories and proposed catalog offerings based on categorization results.

Page Name

Definition Name


Approve Proposed Categories and Catalog Offerings Page


Approve (or reject) proposed categories and catalog offerings.

Use the Approve Proposed Categories and Catalog Offerings page (EOCM_APPROVE) to approve (or reject) proposed categories and catalog offerings.


Catalog Management > Catalog Management Home

Select an enterprise catalog.

Select a partner catalog.

Approve Proposed Categories and Catalog Offerings

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Approve Proposed Categories and Catalog Offerings page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Approve Proposed Categories and Catalog Offerings page

Field or Control


Approve Offerings/Categories

Click to approve all new categories and catalog offerings that are not marked for rejection.

A process request is submitted. Click the Process Monitor link to monitor its status. Once it has completed successfully, you can return to the Approval page. Only the categories and catalog offerings that were initially rejected are listed.

Proposed Categories

Field or Control


Category Hierarchy

Select a hierarchy.

The category is added to the root level of the category hierarchy.

Note: If no hierarchy is selected, the category will be approved, but will not appear on any hierarchy.


Select to reject a category. Rejected categories do not become part of the enterprise category hierarchy. You cannot browse associated partner offerings by this category.

Proposed Catalog Offerings

Lists all the proposed new catalog offerings.

Select the Reject check box located to the left of each catalog offering to reject. Rejected catalog offerings and associated partner offerings are not in the current enterprise catalog. To include partner offerings, they need to be assigned to existing enterprise catalog offerings.