Browsing Production Offerings

This topic discusses how to browse production partner offerings and production partner offerings by category hierarchy. It also discusses how to browse production enterprise catalog offerings and production enterprise catalog offerings by category hierarchy.

Note: The field names and information regarding selected catalogs and offerings displayed on the browse pages vary based on the catalog type.

When you browse partner offerings, you only see offerings for an individual partner and partners will only see their own. When you browse enterprise catalog offerings, you see a consolidated view of all partner offerings. Information contained on these pages is read-only.

Note: All partner users can browse their own partner offerings. However, partners need to be granted privileges to browse enterprise catalog offerings and have access to other partners' catalog data.

Page Name

Definition Name


Browse Production Enterprise Catalog by Offering Page


Browse the production version of the selected enterprise catalog by offering.

Browse Production Enterprise Catalog by Hierarchy Page


Browse the production version of the selected enterprise catalog by category hierarchy.

Browse Production Partner Offering Page


Browse the selected partner's offerings within the production version of the selected enterprise catalog.

Browse Production Partner Offerings by Hierarchy Page


Browse the selected partner's offerings within the production version of the enterprise catalog by category hierarchy.

Offering Details


View offering, pricing, and attachment details for the selected partner offering.

Use the Browse Production Enterprise Catalog by Offering page (EOCM_BROWSE_PROD) to browse the production version of the selected enterprise catalog by offering.


Catalog Management > Catalog Management Home

Select an enterprise catalog.

Browse Production Enterprise Catalog by Offering

This page is essentially similar to the Browse Staged Enterprise Catalog by Offering page.

See Browse Staged Partner Offering Page.

Use the Browse Production Enterprise Catalog by Hierarchy page (EOCM_BROWSECAT_MTP) to browse the production version of the selected enterprise catalog by category hierarchy.


Catalog Management > Catalog Management Home

Select an enterprise catalog.

Browse Production Enterprise Catalog by Hierarchy

This page is essentially similar to the Browse Staged Enterprise Catalog by Hierarchy page.

See Browse Staged Partner Offerings by Hierarchy Page.

Use the Browse Production Partner Offering page (EOCM_BRWSE_TP_PROD) to browse the selected partner's offerings within the production version of the selected enterprise catalog.


Catalog Management > Catalog Management Home

Select an enterprise catalog.

Select a partner catalog.

Browse Production Partner Offering

This page is essentially similar to the Browse Staged Partner Offerings page.

See Browse Staged Partner Offering Page.

Use the Browse Production Partner Offerings by Hierarchy page (EOCM_BROWSETP_MTP) to browse the selected partner's offerings within the production version of the enterprise catalog by category hierarchy.


Catalog Management > Catalog Management Home

Select an enterprise catalog.

Select a partner catalog.

Browse Production Partner Offerings by Hierarchy

This page is essentially similar to the Browse Staged Partner Offerings by Hierarchy page.

See Browse Staged Partner Offerings by Hierarchy Page.