Categorizing Partner Offering Data

You use the Categorize Offerings page to review data and run the categorization process.

Note: At this stage of the process, you can only see offering data belonging to the selected partner. Categorization is the last step in preparing the data for consolidating with offerings from other partners.

Page Name

Definition Name


Categorize Offerings Page


Review Run Catalog Map process (EOCM_RUN_MAP) results and launch the categorization process.

Use the Categorize Offerings page (EOCM_CATEGORIZE) to review Run Catalog Map process (EOCM_RUN_MAP) results and launch the categorization process.


Catalog Management > Catalog Management Home

Select an enterprise catalog.

Select a partner catalog.

Categorize Offerings

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Categorize Offerings page: Offering Info tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Categorize Offerings page - Offering Info tab

Field or Control


Categorization Rule ID

Select a rule.

If a rule has been set as the default, it is already selected.

View Rule

Click to view the details of the selected rule in a new browser window.

Categorization Substitution ID

Select a substitution set.

If a substitution set has been set as a default, it is already selected.

View Substitution

Click to view the details of the selected substitution set in a new browser window.

Max Rows (maximum rows)

Enter the maximum number of rows, no greater than 300, to display in the grid. Use the arrows to page up, page down, go to end, or go to beginning.

The rows currently in the grid and the total number of rows are also displayed.

Offering ID and Offering Description

Displays the offering description and ID. If a partner offering is not mapped to a catalog offering ID, the offering ID and offering description fields are blank, and values are assigned during categorization. If they are mapped, then new catalog offerings are created with the mapped offering ID and description, providing no association is found between the partner offering and catalog offerings.

Partner Offering Info Tab

Select the Partner Offering Info tab (select the Partner Offering Info tab on the Categorize Offerings page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Categorize Offerings page: Partner Offering Info tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Categorize Offerings page - Partner Offering Info tab

Partner offerings are listed using the field names based on the catalog type. Additional fields reflecting the status of the offerings are described below.

Verify that all offerings listed in the source file are listed here, and that the mapping of the original data is correct.

Note: The total number of offerings is displayed above the grid. For example, 1 to 300 of 3000.

Field or Control


Offering Status

Offering status can be one of these options:

  • Loaded: Run Catalog Map process (EOCM_RUN_MAP) has been performed, and offerings are ready to be categorized.

  • Categorized: The categorization process has been run.

  • Staged: The selected partner's offerings have been consolidated with the offerings from the enterprise's other partners.

Offering State

New: This offering has never been offered by this partner.

Updated: This offering already exists for this partner, but the data has changed.

Unchanged: There is no change to this offering compared to when it was loaded in a prior version.

Deleted: This offering was included in a prior load, but is marked as Inactive in the current load.

Message Text

Blank until categorization is run.

Run Categorization

Click to run the categorization.

A process request is submitted. Click the Process Monitor link to monitor the status of the request.

Note: If the offering status of the selected partner's offerings version is either Staged or Production the Run Categorization button is not displayed.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Process Scheduler