Defining Category Substitutions

To define category substitutions, use the Translate (EOCM_TRANSLATE) component.

You use category substitutions when you know partners suggest certain categories and you want those categories replaced with internal categories.

Page Name

Definition Name


Maintain Categorization Substitutions Page


Create and maintain substitutions for the categorization process.

Use the Maintain Categorization Substitutions page (EOCM_TRANSLATE) to create and maintain substitutions for the categorization process.


Catalog Management > Catalog Management Home > Maintain Categorization Substitutions

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Categorization Substitutions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Maintain Categorization Substitutions page

Field or Control


Substitution Name

Enter a name for this substitution set.

Note: Categorization Substitution ID and Substitute Name are the only fields available on the Search page.

Set as Default

Select to use the substitution set as the default for the categorization process.

This selection overrides any previous selection. Only one default per catalog type is allowed.

Source Category

Enter the partner category name. This is a free text field with no validation. The system finds categories that are very similar to the value entered. For example, if you enter color pencils, the system also finds colored pencils and coloring pencils.

Target Category

Select a category from the enterprise catalog. All partner offerings within the source category are grouped under the target category.