Setting Permissions

PeopleSoft delivers the EOCM1500 (partner users), and EOCM6500 (enterprise catalog managers) permission lists. These permission lists enable users to perform specific catalog management activities. Permissions are preconfigured as:

  • Component interfaces.

  • PeopleSoft Query access groups and profiles.

To set the permissions for these permission lists:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Permission Lists.

  2. Select a permission list.

  3. Access the Component Interfaces page.

  4. Select EOCM_CATEGORIZE_CI and assign full access to all methods.

  5. Access the Query page.

  6. Make sure that the access group permissions are set to with these options:

    The tree name is QUERY_TREE_EOCM.

    The access group is EOCM_ACCESS_GROUP.

    The Accessible check box is selected.

  7. For the query profile, make sure that the Only allowed to run queries check box is selected.

Note: If you create permission lists for partner users and enterprise catalog managers, you must also perform these steps for those lists.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Security Administration