Exporting Property Tax Data to Third-Party Tax Systems

Companies are required to submit property tax in each jurisdiction where they operate and own property. When organizations have multiple locations in different taxing jurisdictions, this requirement is increasingly burdensome to the tax department. Many corporations have purchased third-party property tax software to manage and calculate their property tax and to file their returns. PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to export property-related asset information to third-party property tax systems such as Vertex, Taxware, and Property Tax Management Systems. An SQR program populates a property tax table for export to third-party property tax systems. Which data fields are selected for export is based upon the import file requirements of Vertex, but you can easily modify this to suit those of other property tax suppliers.

Export property tax information from the Load Property Tax Table page to export property tax data to third-party tax systems.

You can also build your own export table definition and export by using the PeopleTools Query utility.

Page Name

Definition Name


Load Property Tax Table Page


Export property tax information.

Use the Load Property Tax Table page (RUN_LDPRPTAX) to export property tax information.


Asset Management > Financial Reports > Load Reporting Tables > Load Property Tax Table

Note: While viewing and exporting data from the PS_PROPERTY_TAX table, note that the RETIREMENT_DT field in this table is used for both transfers out and retirements. When the asset is retired, a retirement date appears. For the assets that have been transferred out, a transfer transaction date appears, with the TRANS_IN_OUT switch set to O.