Importing Asset Data by Using the Excel to Component Interface Utility

PeopleSoft Asset Management provides the option to use a utility program that employs a delivered PeopleSoft Asset Management template and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to upload asset information in batches. You can use the interface to upload asset information from a spreadsheet template when adding multiple assets to your database and to add setup data into the system.

The following component interfaces (CI) are provided by PeopleSoft Asset Management:

  • Asset class (ASSET_CLASS_CI)

  • Hazardous asset definition (ASSET_FSC_DEFN_CI)

  • Category (CATEGORY_DEFN_CI)

  • Depreciation schedule (DEPR_SCHEDULE_DEFN_CI)

  • Depreciation terms (DEPR_TERMS_DEFN_CI)

  • InterUnit Definition ( IU_TRF_DEFN_TBL_CI)

  • Operator Defaults for AM (OPR_DEFAULT_AM_CI)

  • Asset Profile (PROFILE_CI)

  • Non Financial Retirement (RETIRE_NF_CI)

  • Non Financial Retirement - Backup (RETIRE_NF_CI_BKUP)

  • User Defined Depreciation Rates (UD_DEPR_RATE_CI)

  • Add transaction to asset financial and physical tables (INTFC_FINPHY_SS_A)

  • Fair Value addition (AM_FV_CI)

When you are using the INTFC_FINPHY_SS_A component interface, the data is loaded to INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A tables. Three interface types are allowed: CN1, CN2, and FAD. The default profile switch can be on or off. A preview page for the asset data enables you to preview the imported information from the spreadsheet. Finally, a PeopleTools component interface is delivered, enabling you to upload asset Add transactions into the PeopleSoft Asset Management database.

To import asset information to the database by using the Excel to Component Interface spreadsheets:

  1. Connect to the PeopleTools Excel spreadsheet utility interface.

  2. Define the Microsoft Excel template that you are importing.

  3. Complete the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet template with the data to be imported for new assets.

  4. Preview the data to be imported from the asset import preview page.

  5. Select the component interface, and submit the data for addition to the database.

Detailed information about using the Excel to Component Interface utility appears in the PeopleTools product documentation.