Integrating Asset Management with IT Asset Management

This topic provides an overview of how to integrate PeopleSoft asset management with PeopleSoft IT Asset Management.

IT Asset Management represents an entire system of integrated management processes, strategies, and technologies implemented to provide you with complete control over your IT assets throughout the asset life cycle. Asset Management integrates with IT Asset Management by sharing assets in the Asset Repository.

IT Asset Management embeds network discovery tools into Asset Management to collect perpetual IT asset inventory for reconciliation to the ARM. When you use IT Asset Management with Maintenance Management, the repository stores organizational asset information including physical and financial definitions, acquisition history, and maintenance history. IT Asset Management provides a central workspace to manage and deploy IT Asset Management systems, view discovered and reconciled results, monitor collected metrics, and drill down to detailed asset data for problem solving and information gathering activities. This interactive workspace collects detailed hardware and software inventory information and authorized versus unauthorized license deployment with access to contract and warranty information relative to IT assets.

Oracle has partnered with network discovery tool suppliers to perpetually inventory IT assets including software and hardware devices that connect to your network. After the discovery tool collects usage data, it is reconciled to the Asset Repository Manager by means of configurable business rules that define reconciling data-points. The asset reconciliation engine compares discovered asset inventory to that stored in the ARM, where all organizational assets are stored with complete business data, acquisition history, maintenance history, and financial data. Because IT assets are perpetually inventoried by means of network discovery tools, IT assets are always accurately reflected in business data and financial reporting.

This diagram shows the basic integration between Asset Management and IT Asset Management.

Basic integration between Asset Management and IT Asset Management:

IT Asset Management and Asset Management integration

Note: You must use Asset Management before you can use IT Asset Management.