Integrating with Budgeting

This topic provides an overview of how to integrate PeopleSoft Asset Management with PeopleSoft Budgeting and discusses how to use the Budgets Interface page.

Page Name

Definition Name


Load Asset Catalog


Load the budgeting asset catalog.

Run Budgets to AM Interface Page


Load all assets from a business unit for a fiscal year or period range that you specify directly into the Budgets tables.

Asset Management provides an interface to Budgeting. To create asset-based budgets, make asset data and depreciation information available to Budgeting. The Asset Management to Budgeting Structured Query Report (SQR) populates the BD_ASSET* tables. Once you run the SQR (AMBD1000.SQR) to populate the asset tables in Budgeting, you can use asset data in Budgeting.

CAPs can be added directly to Asset Management.

Load all assets from a business unit for a specified fiscal year or period range directly into the Budgeting tables to integrate asset information with Budgeting.

Use the Run Budgets to AM Interface page (RUN_AMBD1000) to load all assets from a business unit for a fiscal year or period range that you specify directly into the Budgets tables.


Asset Management > Asset Transactions > Capital Acquisition Planning > Send To Budgeting

The interface tables loaded by this process are emptied and reloaded each time that it is run. A separate Budgets process, AMBD1000.SQR, formats the asset data for use in the Budgeting process.

Note: If the number of assets that you are processing is large (200,000 or more), consider reducing it to smaller batches. For example, you might process one or more departments, categories, projects, or a similar breakdown to narrow the number of items being processed at one time. The exact number of assets that make up the "breaking point" beyond which you should process in smaller batches varies depending on your database platform, tablespace and rollback size, and other factors.