Closing the Conversion Process

At this point, the conversion has created all the data in the system, and all assets are depreciated. Before you can move into full production, you must now close the conversion process by completing these steps:

  • Verify the conversion to approve conversion results.

  • Restore disk space by removing unnecessary tables from the system.

  • Update security to restrict access to the conversion SQRs now that they are no longer needed.

Page Name

Definition Name


Receive Conversion Data Page


Run the Interface Loader program to delete data from the loader tables.

You must run implementation checks to make sure that all the calculations used the correct values, followed the methods that you intended, and so forth. By balancing the conversion, you verify that the currency amounts in the system are those that you expect to see. If they are not, you need to verify your source system data and check the SQRs to determine where you might have inadvertently used the wrong depreciation method, an invalid date, or some other variable that affects calculations.

Use the Receive Conversion Data page (RUN_AMCV2000) to run the Interface Loader program to delete data from the loader tables.


Asset Management > Send/Receive Information > Load Interface > Receive Conversion Data > Receive Conversion Data

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Receive Conversion Data page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Receive Conversion Data page

When the conversion is complete, you will want to release the disk space that is occupied by all the interim tables that you used in the process. Working backwards, you can delete data from the tables that were populated by using the Interface Loader.

Load/Delete Process Buttons

Select Delete Fin/Phy and run this request. Process Scheduler runs the AMCV2000 process at user-defined intervals.

You may want to restrict access to the Interface Loader and Transaction Loader after the conversion is completed and approved. Review the system security page settings and make changes as warranted.

See also the product documentation for PeopleTools: Security Administration.