Creating Pending Depreciation Transactions

This topic discusses how to create open depreciation transactions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Open Transactions - Create Page


Run a process that creates open transactions.

Use the Open Transactions - Create page (AMOPNTRNS_RQST) to run a process that creates open transactions.


Asset Management > Depreciation > Open Transactions > Create Open Transactions > Create

Use this page to run a process that opens transactions. This is necessary when you have used the Future Depr Years (future depreciation years) option to limit depreciation calculations to a specific number of years rather than the asset's useful life. For example, if you had limited future depreciation years to two, and you were now entering the third year, you would run this process before running depreciation so that the depreciation calculations would account for all open transactions.

Run Options

Select an asset type. Options are:

Field or Control


All Assets

Recalculates depreciation for all assets.

Group Asset

Recalculates depreciation for all group assets.

Non Group Asset

Recalculates depreciation for all assets except group assets.

Process Scheduler runs the Create Pending Depreciation Transactions (AMOPNTRNS) process at user-defined intervals.