Entering Asset Maintenance Service and Repairs

Use the Track Service and Repairs (ASSET_MAINT_01) component to enter asset service and repair statistics. This topic lists the pages used and discusses how to enter Asset Maintenance Service and Repairs.

Page Name

Definition Name


Asset Service/Repair - Event Page


Provide the date and time of maintenance events and identify the type of maintenance, party responsible for the maintenance, and status of the maintenance.

Maintenance Details Page


Identify the type of maintenance, party responsible for the maintenance, and status of the maintenance.

See Asset Service/Repair - Event Page

Track Service and Repairs - Statistics Page


Enter detailed financial information pertaining to asset maintenance.

Related Meter Readings Page


Enter meter reading information relative to a maintenance event for this asset. This page enables you to enter and view related meter readings which may have influenced the maintenance event being tracked.

See Track Service and Repairs - Statistics Page

Meter Reading Details Page


Use the details link to view asset meter reading details.

See Track Service and Repairs - Statistics Page

Track Service and Repairs - Payment Page


Enter information about a parts or services vendor. You can add any number of payment records.

Asset Service/Repair Details - Comments


Enter problems encountered or recommendations for repair and service. You can maintain separate comments for each service/repair event or you can keep a running commentary covering all events.

Use the Asset Service/Repair - Event page (ASSET_MAINT_01) to provide the date and time of maintenance events and identify the type of maintenance, party responsible for the maintenance, and status of the maintenance.


Asset Management > Service and Maintenance > Track Service and Repairs > Event

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track Service and Repairs - Event page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Track Service and Repairs - Event page

Field or Control



Displays the date and time that each maintenance event was entered into PeopleSoft Asset Management.


Enter a valid maintenance type. This field is required to save the event.

Note: You can complete the rest of the fields on this page at any time.


Select the status of the maintenance event:

Complete: Maintenance and repairs are done and ready for inspection.

Complete-Pickup: Asset is ready for return to service.

In Process: Asset is undergoing maintenance or repairs.

Inspected: Maintenance and repairs have been approved.

Scheduled: Maintenance event has been planned and scheduled.

Scheduled-Pickup: Asset has been scheduled for pickup.

Problem ID

If applicable, enter an ID for this maintenance event.

WO Unit

Select the work order business unit from which to select the work order for this asset maintenance event.

Work Order ID

Select the work order ID to associate with this asset.

Task Number

Select the task number associated with this maintenance event.

Repair Code

Enter a repair code, if used. This field may be populated automatically when you have installed PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

See Understanding Preventive Maintenance Work Orders.


Enter the name of the person responsible for this asset, if used. This field may be populated automatically when you have installed Maintenance Management.

See Understanding Preventive Maintenance Work Orders.

This Asset is Offsite

Check this box to indicate the asset is located off site.

Pickup Date and Pickup Contact

Enter the date the asset is scheduled for pickup and the contact name.

Ready Date Time

Enter the date and time the repaired asset is scheduled to be ready.

Use the Track Service and Repairs - Statistics page (ASSET_MAINT_02) to enter detailed financial information pertaining to asset maintenance.


Asset Management > Service and Maintenance > Track Service and Repairs > Statistics

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track Service and Repairs - Statistics page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Track Service and Repairs - Statistics page

Typically, you enter estimates of the hours and monetary costs first. Then, as information becomes available or when the service is completed, you can go back and enter actual data in the following fields:

Field or Control


Down Hours and Estimated

Enter the length of time that the asset is unavailable for service.

Labor Hours and Estimated

Enter the length of time for repair and maintenance labor.

Labor Cost and Estimated

Enter the monetary expense for repair or maintenance labor.

Material Cost and Estimated

Enter the monetary expense for items used in repair or maintenance materials.

Tools Cost and Estimated

Enter the monetary expense for items used in repair or maintenance tools.

Purchase Cost and Estimated

Enter the purchase cost for items used in repair or maintenance.

Other Cost and Estimated

Enter miscellaneous costs, such as subcontracting, replacement equipment, or rental equipment.

PeopleSoft Asset Management keeps a running total of both the actual Total Cost and Estimated total cost. Use this worksheet to compare your estimates with actual figures for determining if:

  • The time and cost of maintaining the asset is within the expected margins.

  • You must revise your estimates.

  • You must find a more economical way to maintain your assets.

To view meter reading details for this asset, click on the Related Meter Readings link.

To view downtime details for this asset, click on the Downtime Detail link. Downtime detail is supported by PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Use the Track Service and Repairs - Payment page (ASSET_MAINT_03) to enter information about a parts or services vendor.

You can add any number of payment records.


Asset Management > Service and Maintenance > Track Service and Repairs > Payment

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track Service and Maintenance - Payment page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Track Service and Maintenance - Payment page

Enter information about asset parts or services, including vendor, purchase orders, and voucher IDs. You can also associate the payment with a contract ID. You can add any number of payment records.