Loading Retired Assets

You can add retired assets and asset history to the database. The load type ARA is used specifically for loading historical information for assets that are already retired.

For this load type, the Transaction Loader inserts records into the Asset field and, if applicable, Asset Custodian, Asset Location, Warranty, Attribute, License, Comments, PI Asset History, Parent Asset, and Acquisition Detail fields. It creates Book and Cost rows, as well as one row of accumulated depreciation for each book, all using the transaction type ADD. After modifying some of the values in INTFC_FIN and changing the transaction type to RET, the Transaction Loader inserts Cost and Retirement rows. The status of the assets is set to D (Disposed) for retired assets.

To load retired assets:

  • Consider prerequisites for retiring assets.

  • Populate loader tables.

  • Review the retired asset data.

Before loading retired assets, note these considerations:

  • Assets should be fully depreciated and retired.

    You can add partially retired assets, but the remaining cost basis will not be depreciated or processed in any way.

  • The depreciation process (AM_DEPR_CALC) need not be run after the retired assets are loaded.

  • After you add retired assets, you can reinstate them.

    Note: The ARA interface type was designed to load fully depreciated, retired, or historical assets in cases for which AM_DEPR_CALC would never run and the assets would never be reinstated. To accommodate reinstatement of historical assets in this case, change the ARA interface type as needed.

To load retired assets using the ARA load type, follow these instructions to populate the loader tables:

  • If you have a valid asset profile that is effective-dated correctly and the assets have the same amounts for cost, depreciation, gain/loss, and so on for each book (use the same depreciation conventions), you can load the retired assets with the DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW set to Y.

    In this case, you should set DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW to Yon INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A, enter the valid profile ID in INTFC_PHY_A, and make only one entry in INTFC_FIN for each asset. Leave the BOOK field blank.

  • If this is not the case, set the DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW to N and load one record for each book for each asset into INTFC_FIN. Consequently, if one asset reports to two books, you will load two records for the asset into INTFC_FIN.

Enter the accumulated depreciation into INTFC_FIN.DEPR, one entry for every ChartField combination. Each entry in INTFC_FIN corresponds to a row in PS_DEPRECIATION.

To simplify populating the load tables, one entry in INTFC_FIN is used to create both an ADD and a RET cost row for each book.

The key difference between the ADD and the RET rows is the DTTM_STAMP. The Transaction Loader loads the ADD row first, and then it increments the DTTM_STAMP by one day, sets the RETIRE_SW to 1, and multiplies COST and QUANTITY by negative 1 (−1). It then loads this as the RET row.

Note that when the Transaction Loader finishes successfully, values in all the INTFC_FIN rows for ARA INTFC_TYPE and INTFC_ID will have changed. If you want to rerun the transaction using the same INTFC_ID entries:

  • Subtract one day from DTTM_STAMP.

  • Set RETIRE_SW back to 0.

  • Set the LOAD_STATUS to New (pending).

  • Multiply the COST and QUANTITY by negative 1 (−1).

These actions restore the rows to their original values.

After you load retired assets, pay close attention to these INTFC_FIN fields:

INTFC_FIN Field Name



Accumulated depreciation.




The asset historical retirement date.


Although you can set this to any value, PeopleSoft recommends that you set it to the earliest date/time stamp used for any of the assets that you are loading. This setting will ensure that it is earlier than all the retirement dates.


Make sure it is a negative number.


Make sure it is a negative number.


Represents the fiscal year (FY) of the accumulated depreciation.


Starting period.


Ending period.


Gain or loss.


Ending depreciation date.


Beginning depreciation date.




0 (AMIF1000 handles the switch to 1 for the RET cost row).


Accumulated depreciation.

Also pay close attention to these INTFC_PHY_A fields:

INTFC_PHY_A Field Name





Must be valid in PROFILE_DET_TBL if you set DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW = Y in INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A.

When using the Transaction Loader, you need not populate those fields that contain data in the PROFILE_DET_TBL if you provide a valid PROFILE_ID and set DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW to Y on both INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A.