Running the Group Member Estimated Net Book Value Report

This topic provides an overview of the estimated net book value calculation and discusses how to run the Group Member Estimated Net Book Value (NBV) report.

Page Name

Definition Name


Group Member Estimated NBV Page


Estimate the net book value (NBV) of an asset member before selling the asset.

The Group Member Estimated Net Book Value (NBV) report enables you to estimate the net book value of asset members. The report provides the estimated accumulated depreciation of the member by using the following formula:

Cost of member (cost)Estimated life-to-date depreciation of member, using historical rate of the group (expense) = Estimated net book value

Note: The report provides only an estimate of the NBV.

Use the Group Member Estimated NBV page (RUN_AMDP2150_RPT) to estimate the net book value (NBV) of an asset member before selling the asset.


Asset Management > Financial Reports > Cost and Depreciation > Group Member Estimated NBV Rpt > Group Member Estimated NBV

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Group Member Estimated NBV page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Group Member Estimated NBV page

Note: The business unit and book name must be associated with a group asset.

Field or Control


Load Member Reporting Table

Select to record the member accumulated depreciation. If this check box is not selected, the report is printed and the member accumulated depreciation is not recorded in the table (DEPR_RPT_MEM).