Transferring Parent-Child Assets to Other Business Units (Interunit Transfers) In Mass

Use the Parent-Child IU Transfer (AMPC_IUT_RQST) component to transfer parent-child assets from one business unit to another. The transfer process uses the application engine AM_PARCHD_IU.

This topic discusses how to transfer parent-child assets from one business unit to another.

Page Name

Definition Name


Parent-Child IU Transfer Page


Run the AM_PARCHD_IU Application Engine process to transfer Parent-Child assets from one business unit to another.

Use the Parent-Child IU Transfer page (AMPARCHDIU_RQST) to run the AM_PARCHD_IU Application Engine process to transfer Parent-Child assets from one business unit to another.


Asset Management > Asset Transactions > Parent-Child Relationship > Parent-Child IUT

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parent-Child IU Transfer page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Parent-Child IU Transfer page

Field or Control



Select the business unit from which you are transferring assets.

New Unit

Select the acquiring business unit.

New Group ID

This field displays when the New Unit field points to a Group Asset business unit. This is used when you want to extend parent/child functionality to group assets.

See Understanding Group Asset Processing.


Select the depreciation convention.

Transaction Date

Enter the transaction date.

Accounting Date

Enter the accounting date for the transaction.

Transaction Code

Identifies which accounting entry template to use for this transaction. Only valid combinations for which accounting entry templates exist are accepted.

Parent Asset

Select the parent asset from which you are transferring assets.

Profile ID

Select an ID that is valid for the new business unit to set up book reporting.

Include Parent Asset

Deselect this check box to transfer all or selected child assets at once while leaving the parent asset out of the transaction.

Capitalized Asset

Indicates whether the parent asset is capitalized or non capitalized.

The Select from the following Child Assets results grid displays child asset description, ID, status, capitalization status, and so forth.