Understanding Asset Management Reporting Options

PeopleSoft delivers several kinds of report options within Asset Management. This topic discusses:

  • Reporting and formatting options.

  • Online reporting via inquiry pages.

  • Asset management financial chart generation.

Reporting and Formats

Asset Management reports are generated as the result of an asset management process or in response to an ad hoc request for asset information. Processes and reports can be generated as part of scheduled batch activities or as one-time requests, all of which are handled through the Process Scheduler. The type of report that is generated is usually the result of how the data is to be presented or of the kind of processing that is required to produce the desired results.

Asset Management provides reports to aid in tracking and reconciling asset transactions, capital acquisition planning, depreciation, account activity, accounting entries, physical inventory, asset disposal and retirement, and to meet tax reporting requirements. Reports supporting these same asset management activities on the global level as well as statutory requirements are also available for Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, India, and Japan. All of the available reports that are associated with asset management are listed in the topic “Asset Management Reports” in this documentation.

Most of the reports that are used for different functions within Asset Management make use of the same data but report it from a different perspective. For example, depreciation is often reviewed by ChartField activity. It is, however, also useful to review depreciation based on a category or location. To that end, you may use a report template that enables you to define the reporting-by method to be used.

PeopleSoft delivers report templates that can be shared by all users to include or exclude information of your choosing. The ChartField Format Template and the Report Fields Format Template control the sort order, field length to display, field label overrides, amount field length, and subtotaling. To accommodate the varying needs of many users, print options are available to override the report title and to select the ChartField by which to report, using Report By as the key, with a report suffix added to the report ID to indicate what value is used for Report By.

Asset Management also provides the tools to produce reports in user-defined formats. Using report IDs or user IDs as keys to reporting templates, multiple groups or individuals use the same general information provided in a report but receive it in a dynamically defined format addressing the particular needs of the group or individual.

Online Reporting

Asset Management provides online inquiries of the depreciation reporting table (DEPR_RPT), which displays high level summary data for a period with details available via drill down functions that are defined at the business unit/book definition level. When enabled for online reporting, selection criteria includes Business Unit, Book, Fiscal Year, Period, Asset Category, Profile ID and ChartFields. The drill down feature provides the option to view the data presented to the lowest level available.

Asset Management Charts

Asset Management provides the ability to display some financial data in 2-D, or stacked bar charts. This option is available for generating data comparisons (for example, depreciation per operating units or by book). By selecting the values to be compared, a full color coded chart is generated, which provides an at-a-glance depiction of financial data.