Using Flexible Reporting and Formats

PeopleSoft enables you to generate reports and print them using your report format templates for the following reports:

  • Cost Activity (RUN_AMAS2000)

  • Depreciation Activity (RUN_AMDP2000)

  • Asset Net Book Value (RUN_AMDP2100)

  • Asset Reclassifications (RUN_AMAS240)

  • Asset Transfers (RUN_AMAS2300)

  • Asset Acquisitions (RUN_AMAS2100 and RUN_AMAS2110)

Page Name

Definition Name


Parameters Page


Select a report and apply a report format template in the Report Print Options group box or update or add a report format template.

ChartField Format Template Page


Update or add new ChartField format templates.

See Parameters Page

Report Fields Format Template Page


Update or add new report field format templates.

See Parameters Page

Use the Parameters page (RUN_*) to select a report and apply a report format template in the Report Print Options group box or update or add a report format template.


Asset Management > Financial Reports

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Asset Net Book Value page (Report Print Options). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Asset Net Book Value page (Report Print Options)

Access the run control page for the report to be formatted with user-defined parameters and expand the Report Print Options group box.

Note: Not all Asset Management reports are enabled with the flexible report format template feature.

Report Print Options

Field or Control


Report By

Select from the valid Report By values by which data is to be reported for this report type. For example, the report may use ChartFields and the information in the report can be presented by any ChartField value. If you select DEPTID, the data is grouped by department ID. If you select ACCOUNT, the same information is retrieved but is grouped by account. The purpose or audience for your report drives your selection.

CF Template ID (ChartField Template ID)

Select the template ID for this report from the saved templates by clicking the drop down arrow. Click theUpdate/Add CF Template link to go to the ChartField Format Template page where you can add a new template or update an existing template. The template contains the report format you have defined. For example, perhaps you need a list of departments and expense totals for a period. You can limit your report to include only the relevant fields for your task and save the selected options as a template for future use.

Note: To add a new CF template ID, the CF Template ID field must be blank before you select the Update/Add CF Template link.

RF Template ID (Report Fields Template ID)

Select the RF template ID for this report from the saved templates by clicking the drop down arrow. Click theUpdate/Add RF Template link to go to the Report Fields Format Template page where you can add a new template or update an existing template. This template contains the format you have defined for the report fields. Select which fields to include in your report, such as Cost Balance, Current Depreciation, and so on. You can override the field label as well.

Note: To add a new RF template ID, the RF Template ID field must be blank before you select the Update/Add RF Template link.

Title Override

Enter the title for the report. This field enables you to enter a meaningful report title for this run of the report. If you do not enter a title, the system selects a default value from the string table value of the technical value for the report. Instead, it is useful to name your report based on the current reason, date, or requester for the report.

Amount Length

Enter the maximum number of spaces that are required for the Amount fields to display. The default is 23 digits.

Update/Add CF Template

Click this link to update or add a new ChartField format template.

Update/Add RF Template

Click this link to update or add a new report fields format template.

ChartField Format Template

Use the ChartField Format Template page (RPT_FMT_TMPL_SBP) to update or add new ChartField format templates.


Click the Update/Add CF Template link in the Report Print Options group box.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ChartField Format Template page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ChartField Format Template page

Select the ChartFields to include within the report, the display order and length, a label override and which subtotals to print. You can also select to delete a template by clicking the Delete Template link.

Report Fields Format Template Page

Use the Report Fields Format Template page (RPT_FMT_TMPL2_SBP) to update or add new report field format templates.


Click the Update/Add RF Template link in the Report Print Options group box.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Report Fields Format Template page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Report Fields Format Template page

Select the report fields to include within the report and override the labels if necessary.

Field or Control


RF Template ID (report fields template ID)

Enter a template name and click the Add Template link.

Field or Control


Add Template

Click this link to add a new report format template after entering a template name in the field. Once clicked, the report fields appear on the page from which to select. This link is replaced by the Delete Template link after you have defined a template.

Field or Control


Delete Template

Click to delete an existing template.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler