Viewing Capital Acquisition Plans

PeopleSoft Asset Management and PeopleSoft Budgeting offer you a view of capital acquisition plans from different perspectives. You can see a list of all the assets that are linked to a particular plan, display any capital or operating lease payments associated with a particular plan, or view a summary of cost information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Capital Acquisition Planning - Financial Assets


View a list of financial assets associated with a plan. The link between an asset and a plan is made on the Asset Basic Information - Asset Entry page or the ExpressAdd Cost/Asset Information page when you add a new asset. The link between an asset and the plan can also be made when you create assets using the Purchasing/Assets interface for requisitions or purchase orders.

You must associate the asset with the capital acquisition plan by specifying the appropriate plan number on the Asset Basic Information - Asset Entry page, the ExpressAdd - Cost/Asset Information page, or the Purchasing/Asset interface.

Capital Acquisition Planning - Non-Financial Assets


View a list of nonfinancial assets associated with a plan. The Non-Financial Assets page is populated by the CAP_ASSET_NF_VW view with nonfinancial assets that are not retired.

Capital Acquisition Planning - Capital Lease Payments


View a list of any capital lease payments associated with a capital acquisition plan.

Capital Acquisition Planning - Operating Lease Payments


View a list of any operating lease payments associated with a capital acquisition plan. The operating lease payment data is populated by the CAP_LSE_OPR_VW view, which pulls the schedule from the PS_LEASE_SCHED record.

Capital Acquisition Planning - Summary


Review cost information related to the plan. The system automatically totals the costs of both nonfinancial and financial assets associated with the capital acquisition plan and shows values by estimated costs, cost limits, and asset status categories.