Viewing and Managing the Component Asset Hierarchy

This topic provides an overview of component asset hierarchies and discusses how to view and manage component asset hierarchy.

Page Name

Definition Name


Asset Component Hierarchy Page


View associated asset component relationships within the hierarchy (display only).

Asset Component Hierarchy Page


Update associated asset component relationships by moving assets within the hierarchy.

Provide Reason for the Modification Page


Provide a reason and details for the modification.

See Asset Component Hierarchy Page

Summary of Changes Page


Review the summary of changes made within the asset hierarchy.

See Asset Component Hierarchy Page

Asset Component Hierarchy Move Page


Run the Asset Component Hierarchy Move report to view a list of assets that were moved. Run this report for all assets, financial assets or nonfinancial assets. (SQR)

See Asset Component Hierarchy Page

Assets can be considered as components of other assets of a higher level. For example, when you acquire specialized heavy duty equipment, such as cranes, tractors, or construction vehicles, it may be useful to view specific elements of the asset as individual "subassets" that serve the overall asset it is a part of. A crane may use a specialized extension for larger projects, but the extension device must be attached to a crane before it is useful. In this case, the extension can be considered a component of the crane. It is, however, an expensive piece of equipment with a separate depreciable life from the crane and you would, therefore, want to maintain it as an asset rather than an expendable part of the crane.

In turn, the extension may also be used to support another component of itself, an optional set of hooks or lifters, for example. In such a case, the lifters are a component of the extension and the extension is a component of the crane. In this way, you may have multiple assets that serve one another as components of an asset at a higher level or that create a component hierarchy.

PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to view and manage up to nine levels of asset component relationships from the Asset Component Hierarchy page. You can move assets within the hierarchy as needed, view those changes through the Summary of Changes page, and run a report to view changes within asset components for all assets, financial assets or nonfinancial assets.

Use the Asset Component Hierarchy page (AM_HGRID) to View associated asset component relationships within the hierarchy (display only).


Asset Management > Asset Transactions > Owned Assets > View Component Hierarchy

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Asset Component Hierarchy page (View). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Asset Component Hierarchy page (View)

This page appears as display only. Review the details within the Asset Component Hierarchy.

Field or Control



After selecting a check box beside an asset, select one of the following actions and click the Go button:

  • Focus on Selected Row - Refresh the grid using the selected row as the starting point of the hierarchy.

  • Focus on Top Asset - Refresh the grid using the highest asset as the starting point of the hierarchy.

Note: The View Component Hierarchy provides a subset of actions that are available within the Manage Component Hierarchy.

Use the Asset Component Hierarchy page (AM_HGRID) to Update associated asset component relationships by moving assets within the hierarchy.


Asset Management > Asset Transactions > Owned Assets > Manage Component Hierarchy

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Asset Component Hierarchy page (Manage). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Asset Component Hierarchy page (Manage)

Select component assets and move them within the hierarchy. The Asset Component Hierarchy page displays up to nine levels. If the hierarchy of asset components is more than nine levels deep, you can manipulate the whole hierarchy by focusing on specific branches of the component tree.

Note: Property asset types are not editable. When you enter a property type of asset, after clicking the Search button, the page will display as if the View Component Hierarchy was used.

Field or Control



Choose one of the following actions:

  • Insert Asset on Row Below - Insert a row in the grid just below the selected row. When selecting the first row of the grid, the insert creates a child of the first row.

  • Remove Asset from Hierarchy - Remove the row from the grid and enter a reason for the removal on the secondary page that is provided.

  • Focus on Selected Row - Refresh the grid using the selected row as the starting point of the hierarchy.

  • Focus on Top Asset - Refresh the grid using the highest asset as the starting point of the hierarchy.

Indent Row buttonIndent Row

Select that asset and click the Indent Row button. This action moves the selected asset down in the hierarchy so that it is a child of the prior row number (asset) in the grid.

Outdent Row buttonOutdent Row

Click the Outdent Row button to move the selected asset up one level in the hierarchy.

Move Item Use Sequence Up buttonMove Item Use Sequence Up

Click the Move Item Use Sequence Up button to move the indented asset up to a different parent. If the parent asset is moved, all of the child assets are moved with it.

Move Item Use Sequence Down buttonMove Item Use Sequence Down

Click the Move Item Use Sequence Down button to move the selected asset down one row level.

Expand All link

Click to expand the entire hierarchy to view and manage all assets within the grid.

Review Changes link

Click to display a summary of changes made within the asset hierarchy (Summary of Changes page.)

Comments buttonComments

Add a comment to explain the reason for the change on the Provide Reason for the Modification page.

Comments Warning iconComment Warning

Upon save, this icon indicates that there have been no comments entered for the hierarchy change.

Warning iconWarning

Upon save, this warning icon displays; mouse over text provides a detailed description of the warning for the following reasons:

  • No comment provided.

    Click the comment icon to add or update a comment.

  • Custodian information not updated.

    Select the Operation/Maintenance tab to add or update the employee ID or department.

  • Location information not updated.

    Select the Operation/Maintenance tab to add or update the location or area ID.

Row Deleted iconRow Deleted

Indicates that the row has been removed from the hierarchy.

Error iconError

Indicates an invalid use of the Component field.

Asset Search iconAsset Search

Click the Asset Search icon to search for an asset. The system searches PeopleSoft Maintenance Management (MM) assets if that product is installed. If MM is not installed, the search is directed to PeopleSoft Asset Management for retrieval.

Asset Details buttonAsset Details

Click to view asset details for the given asset. You will be directed to the Define Asset Operational Information page when PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is installed. When PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is not installed, you are directed to the Basic Add page for asset details.

Operation/Maintenance Tab

This page displays only if PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is installed. It provides the Operation/Maintenance details for the assets such as Custodian, Asset Criticality, Repairable Flag, Repair Status, VIN, Serial ID, EmplID, Department, Location Code, and Area ID.

Comment Page

Use the Provide Reason for the Modification page (AM_HGRID_REASN_SEC) to Provide a reason and details for the modification.


Click the Comments icon from the Asset Component Hierarchy page. This icon is visible when a change is made to move an asset within the hierarchy.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Comment page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Comment page

When a component is removed from the hierarchy, you must indicate a reason for this action. This comment page is automatically displayed and contains a reason drop down list in addition to the comment entry field. Both Reason and Comment are mandatory in the case of a removal from the hierarchy.

Summary of Changes Page

Use the Summary of Changes page (AM_HGRID_DISP_CHG) to Review the summary of changes made within the asset hierarchy.


Click the Review Changes link from the Asset Component Hierarchy page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Summary of Changes page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Summary of Changes page

Asset Component Hierarchy Move Page

Use the Asset Component Hierarchy Move page (RUN_AMCH1000) to Run the Asset Component Hierarchy Move report to view a list of assets that were moved.

Run this report for all assets, financial assets or nonfinancial assets. (SQR)


Asset Management > Financial Reports > Asset Details > Asset Component Hierarchy Move.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Asset Component Hierarchy Move page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Asset Component Hierarchy Move page

Field or Control


Type of Report

Select to run the report for All assets, Financial Assets, or Non Financial Assets. When you select Financial Assets, the financial asset parameters appear.