Canceling Federal Payment Schedules

This section provides an overview of federal payment schedule cancellation and discusses how to cancel payment schedules.

Page Name

Definition Name


Payment Schedule Cancellation Page


Cancel federal payment schedules.

Payment Schedule Cancellation - Payment Detail Page


View payment details for a canceled payment schedule.

See Payment Schedule Cancellation Page

Payment schedule cancellation functions similar to regular payment cancellation—except that you can cancel even those payment schedules that have been reconciled.

Note: If the payment schedule to be canceled has been reconciled, the Payment Posting process reverses the payment accounting entries but not the cash clearing entries.

Note: You can also cancel a specific payment within a payment schedule using the Payment Cancellation page without canceling or altering the payment schedule.

Use the Payment Schedule Cancellation page (GFPYM_SCH_CANC) to cancel federal payment schedules.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Cancel/Void Payments > Payment Schedule Cancellation > Payment Schedule Cancellation

Field or Control


Cancel Action

Displays the most recent cancellation action. See the description of the Cancel Action group box below for possible values.

Schedule Cancel Date

Displays the date the schedule was canceled. This appears only after a cancellation action has been entered and saved on this page.

Date Cancelled

Specify the date you want to cancel the payment.

Payment Status

Field or Control



Select to cancel a payment schedule for payments that you have not sent out. The system automatically reconciles a voided payment.


Select to cancel a payment schedule for payments that you have sent out and are asking the bank to stop payment.

Undo Cancel

Select to undo any cancellation that has not been posted.

Important! You cannot undo a cancellation after running Payment Posting on the canceled payment.

Cancel Action

Field or Control


Re-Open Voucher(s)/Re-Issue

Enables you to reselect the payment schedule and reissue it the next time that you execute a pay cycle, assuming that the vouchers meet the selection criteria for that pay cycle.

Re-Open Voucher(s)/Put on Hold

Enables you to reopen the payment schedule, but places the reopened payment schedule on hold for your review. You typically select this option if you need to perform additional investigation or revise voucher information before proceeding with payment. The Pay Cycle process does not select the scheduled payments until the hold is removed on the Payments page of the Voucher component.

Do Not Reissue/Close Liability

Use this option to cancel the payment schedule and close any liabilities associated with it. The amount of the liability to close is calculated as the amount of unpaid liability remaining. The system takes into account whether the business unit is accounting at gross or net. The Payment Posting process marks the voucher for closure, and the amount of the outstanding liability is reversed the next time the Voucher Posting process runs.

Important! Use the Do Not Reissue/Close Liability option only if you do not intend to reissue the voucher.

Document Sequencing

Click to access the Document Sequence page, where you can change the payment Document Type.

To access the Payment Schedule Cancellation - Payment Detail page, use the navigation: Accounts Payable > Payments > Cancel/Void Payments > Payment Schedule Cancellation > Payment Detail .

Note: If you choose to reopen vouchers and reissue, remember that you must run the Payment Posting process to record the reversal before those vouchers are available for a new payment selection. You can undo your cancel, as long as the canceled payment schedule is not posted.