Defining Federal Spending Regions

Page Name

Definition Name


Spending Region Install Option Page


Specify the ChartField to be used for spending region codes and select processing options.

ChartField Values Page


Access ChartFields to define spending region codes for your established spending region ChartField.

Chartfield Attributes Page


Select user-defined values to support intraunit consolidations and Federal requirements for reporting and payment processing.

See ChartField Values Page

Spending Region Definition Page


Link spending region codes to the appropriate state. You set up one spending region definition (with one or many spending region codes) for each state. You must enter the country and state codes to access the page.

To define spending region ChartField values, you must first define them on the ChartField Attributes page.

Use the Spending Region Install Option page (SPNDNG_REG_INST) to specify the ChartField to be used for spending region codes and select processing options.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Federal Spending Region > Spending Region Installation > Spending Region Install Option

Field or Control


Spending Region

Enter the ChartField that will store your spending region codes. This should be a ChartField that is not used for other types of values. For example, you should not select Account.

Purchasing/Accts. Payable Edit group box (purchasing and accounts payable edit group box)

Select the option to use for validating spending regions on purchase orders and vouchers:

  • No Edit: The system does not edit for the correct spending region ChartField value on purchase orders or vouchers.

  • Required: The system performs an edit requiring that you enter a spending region ChartField value on the distribution lines and that this value matches a spending region defined for the state indicated on the address for the supplier location.

    If the spending region ChartField value is not one of those defined for the state and SetID, then you can save the voucher but the system displays an error message and the voucher is placed in Recycle status until you correct it.

  • Optional: The system edits for the correct spending region ChartField value (as with the Required option) only if you enter one.

  • Prohibited: The system validates that no spending region ChartField value is entered in the document. If a value is present, then you can save the document but the system displays an error message and the document is placed on hold until you correct it.

Use the ChartField Values page (FS_CF_VALUE_HOME) to access ChartFields to define spending region codes for your established spending region ChartField.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Define Values > Define ChartField Value

To define spending region ChartField values:

  1. Select your spending region ChartField on the ChartField Values page.

    This is the ChartField you defined on the Spending Region Installation page.

  2. Access the respective ChartField definition page, and click Attributes.

  3. Select the appropriate ChartField attributes and ChartField attribute values for the spending regions.

To access the Chartfield Attributes page, click the Attributes link on one of the applicable ChartField pages you accessed from the ChartField Values page.

Use the Spending Region Definition page (SPNDNG_REG_DFN) to link spending region codes to the appropriate state.

You set up one spending region definition (with one or many spending region codes) for each state. You must enter the country and state codes to access the page.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Federal Spending Region > Spending Region Definition

Enter a SetID and spending region ChartField value for each spending region code you want to associated with the state. You can link multiple spending regions codes to a state, and link the same spending region code to multiple states.

Note that each spending region ChartField value row is keyed by SetID. Therefore, if your supplier-to-ChartField relationships involve multiple SetIDs, you should add a row for each SetID and spending region code combination. For example, assume you are setting up a spending region definition for the state of Alaska, and you have one spending region code—6—for the state. If the suppliers in SetID US001 share access to one set of ChartField values and the suppliers in SetID US002 share access to another set of ChartField values, then you should enter two rows:

  1. SetID US001; spending region code 6.

  2. SetID US002; spending region code 6.