Deleting Individual Vouchers

This section discusses how to delete vouchers.

Page Name

Definition Name


Delete Voucher Page


Delete vouchers.

Voucher Details Page


Confirm that you have selected the correct voucher for unposting, closing, or deletion. View the voucher details, including payment terms, discount information, amount of voucher, and tax information.

See Delete Voucher Page

Use the Delete Voucher page (VCHR_DELETE1) to delete vouchers.


Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Delete Voucher > Delete Voucher

Note: PeopleSoft Payables enables you to select only those vouchers that are eligible for deletion. The vouchers cannot have been posted or selected for payment, nor can any portion of the vouchers ever have been paid.

PO vouchers with the Finalize check box selected cannot be deleted.

Note: Typically, you cannot delete a voucher if there have been accounting entries generated. However, if only Period End Accrual entries have been generated for the voucher, the voucher will still be eligible for deletion. This will not impact the reversal entry generated by the Period End Accruals.  In this case, you should consult with your General Ledger Accounting product members to determine if a manual Journal Entry is desired to reflect the accounting of the voucher being deleted and its effect on the previously generated Period End Accrual.

Field or Control



Click to delete the voucher. The system prompts you to confirm your action. If document sequencing is enabled for the business unit, the system also prompts you to enter a deletion reason. If you choose to continue, the voucher is deleted from the database, and you receive another message verifying this.

If you are using the Commitment Control feature, the Budget Processor process is automatically invoked after you confirm deletion.

Before saving the page, you can go to the Voucher Details page to view the details for the voucher.

Warning! Once you delete a voucher, you cannot retrieve it or undo the deletion. The data rows that are associated with the voucher remain in the tables so that you cannot reuse the voucher number.

Note: If you delete a voucher that was entered as a manual payment, the payment is not deleted; it remains in the system and can be applied to other vouchers.

Vouchers associated with debit memo adjustment vouchers cannot be deleted unless all related vouchers are deleted first.

To access the Voucher Details page, use the navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Close Voucher > Voucher Details