Entering Adjustment Vouchers

This section provides an overview of adjustment vouchers.

Use adjustment vouchers to adjust existing vouchers or to relate two vouchers to each other. You can manually enter adjustment vouchers or automatically create a debit memo adjustment voucher through the Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH). Enter adjustment vouchers to capture credits or to increase the initial voucher.

This section discusses entering adjusting information manually or copying the voucher that you want to adjust into the adjustment voucher. PeopleSoft Payables also provides the use of the Matching process to automatically create debit memos to resolve matching exceptions between the voucher and the purchase orders and receivers.

Note: If you are manually creating a credit memo adjustment for matching exceptions, use the copy function to copy the original voucher into the adjustment voucher. Run the Matching process to properly match the credit memo to the original voucher. This results in the credit memo adjustment voucher having a match status of Matched.

Adjustment vouchers use the same pages as regular vouchers, although the pages contain some different fields, field values, and processing.

See Understanding Voucher Processing and the Voucher Life Cycle.

To create adjustment vouchers:

  1. Select Adjustments in the Voucher Style field on the add search page for the Voucher component (VCHR_EXPRESS), and click Add.

  2. (Optional) On the Invoice Information page, in the Copy from a Source Document group box, enter the voucher ID of the voucher that you want to reverse in the Voucher ID field, and click the Copy to Voucher button to copy the entire voucher.

    These fields appear only for adjustment vouchers.

    Note: Source vouchers are regular vouchers and must have the same business unit, supplier SetID, and supplier ID as the adjustment voucher that you are creating.

  3. (Optional) To copy individual voucher lines, enter a supplier on the Invoice Information header, and click the Copy From Worksheet link in the unlabeled group box above the Invoice Lines scroll area.

    This accesses the Voucher Worksheet page, where you can search for and copy voucher lines to your adjustment voucher.

    If you are adjusting a voucher that references a purchase order, you can update the prior quantity and amount matched against the purchase order by selecting the Reverse Qty/Amt field on the Voucher Worksheet page. You can also have the Budget Processor restore or liquidate the encumbrance budget by selecting Adjust Matched Values on the Voucher Worksheet page.

    Click Copy to Voucher to copy selected voucher lines to the adjustment voucher and return to the Invoice Information page.

    Note: You can create an adjustment voucher by copying a regular voucher, regardless of the match status on the regular voucher.

    See Voucher Worksheet Page.

  4. On the Invoice Information page, whether you use the Copy to Voucher button or the Voucher Worksheet page to copy voucher information to the adjustment voucher, the system populates the Related Voucher field on the invoice line with the adjusted voucher's voucher ID to link the adjustment voucher lines to the voucher that you are adjusting.

    Note: Copying source vouchers or voucher lines is optional. You can enter an adjustment voucher with no reference to another voucher. In that case, you do not have to enter a related voucher.

  5. On the Invoice Information page, enter positive or negative adjustment lines as appropriate.

  6. Access additional information for your adjustments on the remaining pages in the Voucher component.

    These pages are the same as those for regular voucher entry.

To manually create a credit memo adjustment for matching exceptions:

  1. Place the original voucher on match hold by selecting Match Dispute in the Voucher Match Action field on the Match Exception Workbench Details page.

    No further match processing is done on this voucher until you change the match status.

    See Match Exception Workbench Details Page.

  2. Create an adjustment voucher for the credit memo invoice that you received from your supplier by copying the original voucher on the Voucher component.

    See Creating Adjustment Vouchers.

  3. Override the original voucher with a credit memo by selecting Credit Note in the Voucher Match Action field on the Match Exception Workbench Details page.

    See Match Exception Workbench Details Page.

  4. Run the Matching process.

    The Matching process applies the match status of Matched and the match type of Auto - Matched to the credit memo adjustment voucher if no other match exceptions exist. The Matching process applies the match status of Matched and the match type of Matched With Credit Note to the original voucher.

    See Initiating the Matching Application Engine Process.

If you select the Adjust Matched Values check box on the Voucher Worksheet page for any copied voucher lines when you create adjustment vouchers, here is what happens:

  • Any adjustment line with the Adjust Matched Values check box selected forces the match status of the adjustment vouchers (MATCH_STATUS_VCHR) to be set to T for ready, even if the voucher total gross adjustment is negative.

  • Adjustment lines have MATCH_LINE_OPT set to F for full match.

    A full match adjustment voucher goes through matching, which performs purchase order adjustments for the credit lines and performs regular matching for the positive adjustment lines.

If the check box is labeled Restore Encumbrance, then you are in a Commitment Control environment, and a related, unreconciled purchase order exists. If you select it, the system restores or liquidates the encumbrance amount in the budget ledger by the amount of the adjustment. The Budget Status field is changed to Not Checked.

If the check box is labeled Adjust Mtch Value/Encumbrance, then the voucher is subject to matching and Commitment Control, and selecting it causes both the matching status adjustment and the encumbrance restoration to occur.

If you select the Reverse Qty/Amt (reverse quantity/amount) check box on the Voucher Worksheet for any vouchers when you create adjustment vouchers, here is what happens when the copied voucher is related to a purchase order:

  1. The Matching process or Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR) verifies that the credit adjustment of a voucher line does not exceed the purchase order schedule line total matched quantity (QTY_MATCHED and AMT_MATCHED in PS_PO_LN_SHIP_MTCH).

  2. If the adjustments were to reduce the total purchase order matched quantities or amounts below zero, a system match exception occurs: the RTV/credit adjustments are greater than the purchase order matched quantity or amounts.

  3. After the adjustments are validated against purchase order matched quantities or amounts, the following processing occurs:

    1. New rows are inserted into PS_PO_LINE_MATCHED with purchase order, receiver, and voucher line information, as well as credit adjustment values.

    2. PS_PO_LN_SHIP_MTCH is deleted for the same purchase order schedule line that was referenced on the credit voucher line.

    3. An insert is performed to PS_PO_LN_SHIP_MTCH by the addition of the matched quantity and amount for the same purchase order schedule line from PS_PO_LINE_MATCHED.

    4. Purchase order header match status (MATCH_STATUS_PO) for the same purchase order is updated to P for partial.

If you select the Reverse Qty/Amt check box on the Voucher Worksheet for any vouchers when you create adjustment vouchers, here is what happens when the copied voucher is related to a receipt. If any receiver information was found on the credit voucher lines, the system also adjusts receiver matched quantities or amounts:

  1. The Matching process or the Voucher Posting process verifies the credit adjustment if a voucher line does not exceed the receiver ship line total matched quantity (QTY_MATCHED and AMT_MATCHED in PS_RECV_LN_SHP_MTH).

  2. If the adjustments were to reduce the total receiver ship line matched quantities or amounts below zero, a system match exception occurs: RTV/credit adjustments are greater than the receiver ship line matched quantity or amounts.

  3. After the adjustments are validated against receiver ship line matched quantities or amounts, the following processing occurs:

    1. New rows are inserted into PS_RECV_VCHR_MTCH with purchase order, receiver, and voucher lines information, as well as credit adjustment values.

      Note: If you undo matching for an adjustment voucher, the rows in PS_VCHR_RECV_MTCH are not deleted. The receipt information is still associated with the adjustment voucher.

    2. PS_RECV_LN_SHP_MTH is deleted for the same receiver ship line that was referenced on the credit voucher line.

    3. An insert is performed on PS_RECV_LN_SHP_MTH by the addition of the matched quantity and amount for the same receiver ship line from PS_RECV_VCHR_MTCH.

    4. Receiver header match status (MATCH_STATUS_RECV) for the same receiver is updated to P for partial.