Entering Template Vouchers

This section provides an overview of template vouchers and discusses how to create template vouchers.

If you receive multiple similar vouchers from a supplier, you can set up a template voucher to improve data entry efficiency. Use a voucher for a particular supplier as a model for other vouchers that you will enter in the future for that same supplier by creating a template voucher. You can also update this voucher as necessary. A template voucher is never paid or posted; it is used only as a model for other vouchers.

Once you have created and saved the template voucher, it is available for use during the entry of other vouchers for the specific supplier. When you create the new voucher, select Template in the Worksheet Copy Option field on the Invoice Information page. Click the Copy from template link to copy the appropriate invoice header, line, and distribution information from the source template voucher onto the voucher that you are adding.

Template vouchers use the same pages as regular vouchers, although the pages contain some different fields, field values, and processing.

See Understanding Voucher Processing and the Voucher Life Cycle.

To create a template voucher:

  1. Select Template Voucher as the voucher style on the add search page for the Voucher component and click Add.

  2. On the Invoice Information page, enter a Template ID and description.

    These fields appear only if you are creating a template ID.

  3. (Optional) Click the Copy PO button or select the Worksheet Copy Option field below the Invoice Information page header to copy information from the appropriate voucher, purchase order, receiver, or other template.

  4. Enter the remaining information for the template voucher that you are creating, using the Invoice Information and remaining Voucher component pages.

  5. Save the voucher.