Processing Reschedule Payments

Page Name

Definition Name


Reschedule Payments Request Page


Set parameters for and run the Reschedule Payments Application Engine process (AP_SMT_SEL).

Reschedule Payments Error Page


Inquire about errors during the Reschedule Payments process.

Cancel Reschedule Payments Page


Cancel reschedule payments processing.

Use the Reschedule Payments Request page (SMT_SPLIT_REQ) to set parameters for and run the Reschedule Payments Application Engine process (AP_SMT_SEL).


Accounts Payable > Payments > Pay Cycle Processing > Reschedule Payment Request

The system displays the run control ID that you entered to access the page.

Field or Control


Due Date From and Date To

Select the terms of the due date on vouchers to be processed. The Reschedule Payments process summarizes the amount of vouchers with due dates between these dates.

Base Date

Specify the base date used by the Reschedule Payments process. The system recalculates the due date and scheduled pay date of schedule payments based on this date.

Reschedule payments refers to a condition in which the base date is between the basis from day and the basis to day as defined in the Reschedule ID Control group box on the Reschedule Payments page.

Business Unit

Specify the business unit to be processed by the Reschedule Payments process.

SetID, Bank Code, and Bank Account

Specify the SetID, code, and account of vouchers to be processed by the Reschedule Payments process.

The Reschedule Payments process processes only those vouchers that meet the following conditions:



Identifying Information

The Withholding check box is deselected.

Payables Options

A Reschedule ID is specified in the Additional Payment Information group box.

Invoice Information

The Voucher Style must be: Adjustments, Regular, or Register Voucher.

The Reschedule Payments process does not process the following voucher styles: Journal Voucher, Prepaid Voucher, Third Party Voucher, and Template Voucher.

  • Invoice Information

  • Payments

The currency code on the Invoice Information page and the payment gross amount currency on the Payments page must be the same.

The Reschedule Payments process does not process vouchers if different currency codes are specified in these fields.


  • There is no discount amount for the voucher. The Reschedule Payments process does not process vouchers with discount amounts.

  • A netting status of N (not applicable), or a netting status of S (selected), if the payments for these vouchers are netting balance. Vouchers that are not netting balance are not processed even if the netting status is S.

  • The Hold Payment check box is deselected.

  • The Separate Payment check box is deselected.

Draft Maturity Dates

The Group Code field is deselected.

Note: This condition is only applicable when the payment method is a draft type. When the method is a draft type, a Draft link appears in the Payment Methods group box on the Payments page.

Note: The Reschedule Payments process in PeopleSoft Payables does not process vouchers that are selected for payment.

Use the Reschedule Payments Error page (SMT_ERROR_PNL) to inquire about errors during the Reschedule Payments process.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Pay Cycle Exceptions > Reschedule Payment Error

After running the Reschedule Payments process, check the status of the process in PeopleSoft Process Monitor. If you find any errors there, use the Reschedule Payments Error page to inquire about the errors. You must correct any errors.

Note: The system does not complete the process for vouchers with errors. After you correct the errors, run the process again.

To inquire about errors in the Reschedule Payments process:

  1. Enter the run control ID that you used when you ran the process, then click the Search button.

  2. Error messages appear in the Search Results group box for the process with that run control ID.

  3. To narrow the search results, enter specific values in the Process Instance, Request Date From, and To Date fields, and click the Search button.

Search Results

The page displays information about the vouchers for the run control ID that you enter. The following error statuses can appear in the Status column:



Invalid Bank Account SEQ NBR not Found

If there is an error in bank account information, this status appears. Make sure that there are no inconsistencies in the bank account information.

Invalid Reschedule ID

If the reschedule ID is invalid, this status appears. Check that the effective date of the reschedule ID is not in the future compared to the base date on the Reschedule Payments Request page.

Invalid Payment Method

If the payment method is invalid, this status appears. Check that the payment method defined on the Reschedule Payments page is in the bank account of the remit supplier.

Invalid Draft Sight Code

If the sight code is invalid, this status appears. Check that the effective date of the sight code is not in the future compared to the base date on the Reschedule Payments Request page.

Invalid Term Code

If the term code is invalid, this status appears. Check that the effective date of the terms code on the Reschedule Payments page is not in the future compared to the base date on the Reschedule Payments Request page. Make sure that the terms code is not a discount terms code, such as 2D (2 percent discount in 10 days, net 30).

Use the Cancel Rescheduled Payments page (SMT_CANCEL_PNL) to cancel reschedule payments processing.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Pay Cycle Processing > Cancel Rescheduled Payments

This page enables you to cancel a process that you have already run. Because the Reschedule Payments process groups vouchers together, you can cancel processes by group ID.

Note: When you cancel processes, the system restores the bank code, bank account, payment method, payment condition, due date, scheduled pay date, draft maturity date, and draft scheduled maturity date to their former settings or values.

To cancel the Reschedule Payments process:

  1. Enter the run control ID that you used when you ran the process that you want to cancel. Then click the Search button.

  2. The system displays the search results for the Run Control ID that you entered.

  3. To narrow the search results, enter specific values for the bank SetID, bank code, bank account, remit SetID, remit supplier, request a date period, and click the Search button.

  4. Select the check boxes of groups that you want to cancel.

  5. Click Save to cancel the process that you specified.