Reconciling and Approving Drafts

During draft bank reconciliation, reconcile the payment information with actual bank information using the Draft Recon and Approval page. Before you can reconcile and approve drafts, you must have created draft payments in the Manual Draft Creation component (APD_MANDFT_SEL) or by running the Pay Cycle process. To import the bank file, select PeopleTools > EDI Manager > Monitor EDI Processing > Schedule Inbound EC Agent.

After reconciling your draft payments, you may want to submit a bank answer file to your bank regarding the draft payments.

Note: If you haven't prearranged with your bank to receive a bank information file, you do not need to run the Draft Reconciliation and Approval process; however, you do need to run the Draft Reconciliation and Approval process to promote the draft status from C (created) to A (approved).

Page Name

Definition Name


Draft Reconciliation Page


Perform automatic draft reconciliation and approval when your bank transmits an electronic bank file to you that contains the draft detail. The Draft Reconciliation and Approval process does matching against the bank file by marking each draft payment as approved.

Draft Approval Page


Review draft payments that the automatic reconciliation process matches. You can accept, reject, or partially pay payments. The approval process updates the status for all accepted drafts with the status Approved so that the Payment Posting process can generate accounting entries.

Payment/Bank Details Page


Review draft payment information from the imported bank file.

Draft Exceptions Page


Review automatic bank reconciliation draft payment exceptions and the reason codes that indicate why payments are marked as not payable.

Reconciliation Summary Page


View a summary of the draft payment totals after reviewing the automatic draft payment reconciliation and approval results.

Prepare Bank Answer File Page


Prepare a bank answer file before sending the file by selecting PeopleTools > EDI Manager > Monitor EDI Processing > Schedule Outbound EC Agent. You must complete draft reconciliation and approval before you can access this page.

Delete Imported Bank Data Page


Delete bank file data that you imported into PeopleSoft Payables. At least one bank file must be imported into the system before you can access this page.

Use the Draft Reconciliation page (PYMNT_AUTO_REC) to perform automatic draft reconciliation and approval when your bank transmits an electronic bank file to you that contains the draft detail.

The Draft Reconciliation and Approval process does matching against the bank file by marking each draft payment as approved.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Drafts > Draft Recon and Approval > Draft Reconciliation

Field or Control


Creation Date

Displays the draft payment creation date.

Bank File Total

Displays the total amount of all payments listed in the transmitted bank file.


Click to match the bank file by selecting each draft payment and updating the status for all accepted drafts. The system displays the Draft Reconciliation and Approval - Draft Approval page, where you can review the matched draft payments.

Drawee Acct Num (drawee account number)

Displays the supplier's bank account number.

Total Amount

Displays the total amount of the payment for the row.

Use the Draft Approval page (PYMNT_AUTO_APPR) to review draft payments that the automatic reconciliation process matches.

You can accept, reject, or partially pay payments. The approval process updates the status for all accepted drafts with the status Approved so that the Payment Posting process can generate accounting entries.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Drafts > Draft Recon and Approval > Draft Approval

Field or Control


Creation Date

Displays the draft payment creation date from the bank file.

Drawee Account Number

Displays the bank account number.

Pay Total

Displays the matched payment total amount.

Approve All

Click to approve all of the draft payments that you select.

Unapprove All

Click to reverse the approval of selected payments that you previously approved.

Display Detail

Click to view the Payment/Bank Details page. This button is available only if you select the Detail check box.

Note: You can access multiple views of this page by selecting the tabs in the scroll area.

Main Information

Select the Main Information tab in the Draft Payment scroll area.

Field or Control



Select to activate the Draft Payment Details button. Click the Display Detail button to view draft payment information from the imported bank file.


Selects the payment for approval. When you click the Save button, the system changes the draft status from Created to Approved.


Displays the supplier's name.

Draft Amount

Displays the draft amount and currency of the draft payment.

Additional Info

Select the Additional Info tab in the Draft Payment scroll area.

The scroll area displays payment method and cancellation information.

Use the Payment/Bank Details page (PYMNT_APPR_DTL) to review draft payment information from the imported bank file.


Click the Display Detail button on the Draft Approval page in the Draft Recon and Approval component. This button is available only if you select the Details check box.

Source = AP

Field or Control


Payment Reference

Displays the draft reference number.

Name 1

Displays the supplier's name.

Payment Date

Displays the payment due date.


Displays the draft payment ID.

Remit Supplier

Displays the name of the remit supplier, the cancellation status, and the effective date.

Source = Bank

Field or Control


Drawer Ref (drawer reference)

Displays the reference ID that a drawer uses to identify the draft.

Currency Index

Displays the currency index listed in the bank file.

Accept Code

Displays the accept code from the bank file.

Drawee Reference

Displays the payment number.

Remit Person Reference

Displays the reference number for the remit person listed in the bank file.

Creation Date

Displays the draft creation date.

Use the Draft Exceptions page (PYMNT_AUTO_EX) to review automatic bank reconciliation draft payment exceptions and the reason codes that indicate why payments are marked as not payable.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Drafts > Draft Recon and Approval > Draft Exceptions

Note: You can access multiple views of this page by clicking the tabs in the scroll area.

Main Information

Select the Main Information tab in the Draft Exceptions scroll area.

Field or Control


Drawer Reference

Displays the supplier's draft payment reference number.

Drawer Name

Displays the entity to whom the draft payment is made.

Due Date

Displays the draft due date or draft scheduled maturity date.

Note: The draft due date is usually the same as the draft maturity date. However, if the draft maturity date falls on a holiday or nonbusiness day, the draft due date is different from the draft maturity date. For example, if the draft maturity date falls on a Saturday, the draft due date might be set to the following Monday, depending on the holiday rules.


Select for partial payment and to reject the balance. This option is available only if the bank file payment amount is greater than the payment amount in the PeopleSoft Payables system.

Additional Info

Select the Additional Info tab in the Draft Exceptions scroll area.

The scroll area displays the reject code, a description, and comments.

Use the Reconciliation Summary page (PYMNT_AUTO_SUMM) to view a summary of the draft payment totals after reviewing the automatic draft payment reconciliation and approval results.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Drafts > Draft Recon and Approval > Reconciliation Summary

Field or Control


Pay Total

Displays the matched payment total.

Partial Pay Total

Displays the partial payment total.

Reject Total

Displays the rejected payment total.

Total Amount

Displays the total payment amount.

Use the Prepare Bank Answer File page (PYMNT_AUTO_OUTP) to prepare a bank answer file before sending the file by selecting PeopleTools EDI Manager Monitor EDI Processing Schedule Outbound EC Agent.

You must complete draft reconciliation and approval before you can access this page.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Drafts > Prepare Bank Answer File > Prepare Bank Answer File

Field or Control


Creation Date

Displays the draft payment creation date from the bank file.


Click to begin preparing the data for the bank answer file for the output instances that you selected.

Note: You can access multiple views of this page by clicking the tabs in the scroll area.

Main Information

Select the Main Information tab in the Bank Account scroll area.

Field or Control



Click to select the output instance that you want to process.

Output Inst (output instance)

Displays the output instance that appears after you run the EDI Manager Outbound EC Agent process.

Output File Status

Displays the status of the output file:

E: An error has occurred during the process.

L: The output file was loaded.

P: The output file was processed.


Displays the file name that the EDI Manager Outbound EC Agent process created.

SIREN Number

Displays the SIREN number.

Additional Info

Select the Additional Info tab in the Bank Account scroll area.

Field or Control


Drawee Account Number

Displays the supplier's bank account number.

Total Amount

Displays the total amount to be paid into the supplier's bank account.

Use the Delete Imported Bank Data page (PYMNT_AUTO_DEL) to delete bank file data that you imported into PeopleSoft Payables.

At least one bank file must be imported into the system before you can access this page.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Drafts > Prepare Bank Answer File > Delete Imported Bank Data

Field or Control


Delete this Queue Instance

Select to mark this queue instance for deletion.


Click to delete all bank file data associated with the selected queue instance.