Reviewing Document Tolerance Exceptions and Overrides

Page Name

Definition Name


Document Tolerance Exceptions Page


View and override document tolerance exceptions.

Document Tolerance Override History Page


View the override history of document tolerance exceptions.

Use the Document Tolerance Exceptions page (DOC_TOL_EXCPT) to view and override document tolerance exceptions.


Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Maintain > Document Tolerance Exceptions


Field or Control


Rule ID

Displays the rule ID and description of the document tolerance rule that produced the exception.


Field or Control


Pred Doc Amt (predecessor document amount)

Displays the amount of the predecessor document (purchase order).

Life-to-Date Liquidated Amt (life-to-date liquidated amount)

Displays the sum total of all source documents (vouchers) linked to the predecessor document. If you have multiple vouchers tied to the same purchase order, the Document Tolerance Checking process calculates the tolerance against the sum total of all of the vouchers tied to this purchase order rather than the amounts of the individual vouchers. An individual voucher may be within the tolerance, but if the sum total of the linked vouchers exceeds the tolerance, the voucher does not pass document tolerance checking.

Defined Tolerance Amount

Displays the tolerance amount that is defined on the Document Tolerance page.

Defined Tolerance Percentage

Displays the tolerance percentage that is defined on the Document Tolerance page.

Note: The system uses whichever value is lower (either the defined amount or the defined percentage) to calculate the tolerance. If the amount of the source document exceeds the lower defined amount, the voucher does not pass document tolerance checking and the system generates an exception.

Calculated Doc Tol Amt (calculated document tolerance amount)

Displays the amount of the source document (purchase order), plus any defined tolerance amount.

Calculated Doc Tol Percent Amt (calculated document tolerance percent amount)

Displays the amount of the source document (purchase order), plus any defined tolerance percentage amount.

Source Doc Monetary Amt (source document monetary amount)

Displays the amount of the source document (voucher).

Source Doc Converted Amt (source document converted amount)

Displays the converted amount of the source document (voucher). The system converts the source document to the predecessor document's General Ledger business unit base currency to calculate the tolerance.

Predecessor GL Base Currency (predecessor general ledger base currency)

Displays the predecessor document's General Ledger business unit base currency.

Transaction Currency

Displays the currency of the source document (voucher).


Select to override the exception and make the transaction available for further processing.

Use the Document Tolerance Override History page (DOC_TOL_OVR_LOG) to view the override history of document tolerance exceptions.


Accounts Payable > Review Accounts Payable Info > Vouchers > Document Tolerance Override

The fields on this page are the same as the fields on the Document Tolerance Exceptions page, with the exception of the User ID field and the DateTime field. These two additional fields provide an audit trail of exceptions that have been overridden.

Field or Control


User ID

Displays the ID of the user who overrode the exception on the Document Tolerance Exceptions page.


Displays the date and time when the user overrode the exception on the Document Tolerance Exceptions page.