Reviewing Withholding Information

You can review withholding information using several inquiry pages.

This section discusses how to review payments to withholding suppliers.

Page Name

Definition Name


Withhold Payment Inquiry Page


Inquire on the payment amount, schedule number, and payment date for suppliers subject to withholding. This page shows all withholding payments made to the withholding entities by supplier.

Use the Withhold Payment Inquiry page (WTHD_PYMNT_SRCH) to inquire on the payment amount, schedule number, and payment date for suppliers subject to withholding.

This page shows all withholding payments made to the withholding entities by supplier.


Suppliers > 1099/Global Withholding > Review > Withhold Payment > Withhold Payment Inquiry

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Withhold Payment Inquiry page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Withhold Payment Inquiry

Entering Search Criteria

Field or Control


Supplier SetID

Select the SetID of the suppliers for which you want to run the report.

From Supplier ID and To Supplier ID

Select the supplier ID. The From Supplier ID is a required field. You can also include a range of suppliers using the From Supplier ID and To Supplier ID fields.

From Date and To Date

Enter the date range you want to inquire on.

Payment Details

The Payment Details group box shows details on the withholding payment information for each withholding payment. If you are using the federal payment option, the payment details display by payment schedule.

Field or Control


(USF) Schedule ID

Shows the payment schedule ID. This field only displays if you are a U.S. Federal agency and have selected the federal payment option on the Installation options page.

Payment Amount

Displays the payment amount in the payment currency for the remit supplier.

Supplier Liability Amount Paid

Displays the portion of the payment amount that has been paid to the specified supplier in the transaction currency.

The system displays payment and withholding information for each payment or payment schedule. In addition, the system displays:

Field or Control


Gross Payment Amount

Displays the amount of payment paid to the remit supplier to cover the invoicing supplier's liability.

Withholding Basis Amount

Displays the basis amount of the withholding for the payment or payment schedule.

Withhold Liability

Displays the amount to be withheld and paid to the withholding entity for the payment or payment schedule.

Remit SetID and Remit Supplier Name

Displays the SetID and name of the remit supplier for the payment or payment schedule.