Reviewing and Entering Withholding Information for Vouchers

This section provides prerequisites and explains how to view and override withholding information when you enter withholding vouchers.

Page Name

Definition Name


Withholding Information Page


Review or override the withholding for individual voucher lines for a withholding-applicable voucher.

Before entering and processing withholding vouchers you must.

  • Set up withholding entities, types, classes, jurisdictions, rules, and codes.

  • Set up withholding for applicable suppliers at the supplier location level.

    Any supplier entered into the system can be a withholding supplier. Flag a supplier as withholding-applicable on the Supplier Information - Identifying Information page by selecting the Withholding check box. From the Supplier Information - Location page you can transfer to the Withholding Supplier Information page, on which you select the withholding entity and enter the required control information.

  • Set up withholding at the general ledger business unit (Procurement Control component).

Use the Withholding Information page (VCHR_WTHD_EXP) to review or override the withholding for individual voucher lines for a withholding-applicable voucher.


Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry > Invoice Information

Click the Withholding link on the Invoice Information page for a withholding-applicable voucher. During voucher entry, PeopleSoft Payables marks any vouchers for a withholding supplier as withholding-applicable.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Withholding Information page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Withholding Information

Field or Control


Postpone Withholding

Select this check box to postpone withholding for prepaid vouchers. If you select this option, withholding is not calculated when the prepaid voucher is paid. It is calculated when the regular voucher is created.

Apply Withholding at Voucher Post

Select to apply withholding during the voucher posting process. If the withholding has not yet been calculated, users with the appropriate security can select this option to override the entity setting and have withholding for unposted vouchers calculated at voucher posting. The Apply Withholding field in the Withholding Details grid updates to display Vchr Post as the withholding calculation setting.

Note: You provide users with the authority to override withhold calculation using the User Preferences component. This field does not appear unless users have the authority to override the calculation.


Displays the voucher line number whose withholding information you are viewing.

Withholding Code

Select a withholding code for this voucher line if you are using withholding codes to define a set of withholding class combinations that you want to apply at the same time.

Instead of withholding codes, you can utilize the options in the grid to create the withholding class combinations you need.

Withholding Applicable

Deselect this check box to disable withholding for the individual voucher line.

Entity, Type, Jurisdiction, and Class

Displays the withholding entity, type, jurisdiction, and class specified for the supplier at the supplier location level. You can override the defaults by selecting new values.

Withholding Basis Amt Override (withholding basis amount override)

Enter an amount if you need to withhold on the basis of an amount other than the amount you established as the basis for withholding on the Withholding Options page.

If you don't enter an amount here, the system accepts the defaults you established on the Withholding Options page.

Contract Reference

(IND) Enter a contract reference number. This field is mandatory if you select the Contract Reference field for this type on the Withhold Type page.

Rule Override

Select a withholding rule to override the rule that defaults automatically from the withholding entity.

Note: Users typically leave this field blank.

Apply Withholding

See the definition for Apply Withholding at Voucher Post.


Use this check box to control withholding applicability for the specific withholding class combination for a voucher line. If multiple withholding class combinations are listed you can choose to deselect this check box for one or more of them so that withholding does not occur for that withholding class combination on this voucher line.

Note: For the withholding to default properly, you must set up supplier and business unit information accordingly on the Procurement Control − Withholding Page. Also, if there are no values here withholding does not occur.

Note: If you try to save a voucher with a withholding supplier that wasn't set up completely, the system issues a warning.