Setting Up Suppliers for Federal Payment Processing

When you, as a U.S. Federal agency, set up suppliers for payment processing, you may want to specify the default payment schedule type and date basis calculation type for the supplier, along with the standard supplier setup. You can also set up these options at other levels in the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy: business unit, origin, and control group.

For suppliers, you enter this information on the Federal page in the Supplier Information component, which is available only when you have Enable Federal Payments selected on the Installation Options - Payables page.

When you set up other U.S. Federal agencies as suppliers, you may also identify the suppliers as federal agencies and enter the supplier's ALC and trading partner code. The ALC is required if the supplier is used for inbound or outbound IPAC processing. You enter this information on the Supplier Information - Federal page, as well.

Specific federal payment processes may require particular supplier setup. See the sections of this book that discuss those processes.