Understanding Data Types Available for Archiving

This section discusses:

  • Archiving general overview.

  • Archiving business process.

  • Archiving business rules.

In PeopleSoft Payables, you use the PeopleTools Data Archive Manager to archive payments, vouchers, suppliers, payment requests, and payment request messages. This process removes them from the production transaction tables, yet keeps them online in history tables where they are available for queries and reporting. Removing them from your production tables helps maintain speedy daily processing activities, while still retaining online access to information.

In addition, you can generate archived reports that provide the necessary tracking information for your regulatory agencies. Remember that the data stays available if you need to reload it for an audit.

To archive data in PeopleSoft Payables, you'll complete the same procedures for payments, vouchers, suppliers, payment requests, and payment request messages. Payments that are cleared or canceled must be archived to history tables and deleted from the transaction tables before you can begin to archive the related vouchers. Likewise, before you can archive suppliers, completely processed vouchers or closed vouchers must be archived to history tables and deleted from the transaction tables. Similarly, while archiving payment requests and its messages, only cancelled payment requests and vouchered requests are eligible for deletion.

When you archive, you first move transactions out of the main online tables into online history tables where you can still query them for information about the transactions. Later, when you no longer need to reference those transactions, you can use third-party database utilities to move them to flat files and delete them completely from the online system.

Note: Oracle recommends that you use unique run control IDs for each archive process. That is, have separate run control IDs for payment archive, voucher archive, and supplier archive.

When you archive your transactions, you'll need to select a batch ID. Batch IDs provide a method of identifying a group of transactions during the archiving process, and are automatically assigned by the system. The combination of batch ID and archive date specified during archive selection is then used as the key when you run the selection report, rollback, and deletion processes, and when you perform audits.

The following procedures provide an overview of the archiving procedure in PeopleSoft Payables.

Archive transactions as follows:

  1. Run the payment, voucher, supplier or payment request, payment request message archive selection process.

    Based on the template and query you select, this process flags selected transactions for archival.

  2. Run the payment, voucher, supplier, payment request, or payment request message archive selection report.

    This report lists all the selected data, so you can verify that you're archiving the correct transactions. You'll probably want to run this report every time you run a payment, voucher, supplier, payment request, or payment request message archive request.

  3. Run the payment, voucher, supplier, payment request, or payment request message archive delete process.

    This removes the records from the transaction tables.

  4. Run the payment, voucher, supplier, payment request, or payment request message archive rollback process.

    If the report reveals that you have selected the wrong set of data, you can run a roll back process. This clears the records, enabling you to rerun the archive selection process with different parameters.

This section discusses the following PeopleSoft Payables archiving business rules:

  • Payment archival business rules.

  • Voucher archival business rules.

  • Supplier archival business rules.

  • Payment Request archival and Payment Request message archival business rules.

Payment Archival Business Rules

To be archived, payment data must pass the following business rules:

The payment post status must be Posted and the reconciliation status must be Reconciled when any of these three scenarios are met:

  • The reconciliation method is set to none (N), the cash cleared flag is active (Y), the cash cleared date is not null, and the cash cleared date value is less than the archive as of date value.

  • The cancel action value is set to Close or Processed, the cancel date is not null, and the cancel date value is less than the archive as of date value.

  • The cash cleared flag is not active (N), the bank account does not use the Cash Clearing Application Engine process (AP_APCSHCLR), and the payment date value is less than the archive as of date value.

Voucher Archival Business Rules

To be archived, voucher data must pass the following business rules:

  • Voucher post status is Posted and the invoice date value is less than the archive as of date value, or voucher entry status is Deleted and the invoice date value is less than the archive as of date value.

  • Associated payments no longer exist on the payment table.

    Payments must have been previously archived.

  • No related vouchers exist that are not currently archived.

  • Voucher does not have accounting lines which have not been distributed to the general ledger.

  • Voucher does not have accounting lines with a journal date value greater than an archive as of date value.

  • Voucher does not have scheduled payments with a status other than Closed, Paid, or Canceled.

  • Voucher does not have scheduled payments with unposted withholding transactions.

  • Voucher does not have accounting lines with unposted VAT information.

  • Voucher should be matched or overridden if matching is required.

  • Voucher does not have voucher lines referencing a purchase order that does not have a status of Complete, Canceled, or Pending Cancel.

  • Voucher does not have accounting lines which have asset information that has not been distributed to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

  • Voucher does not have accounting lines which have PeopleSoft Project Costing related information that has not been distributed to PeopleSoft Project Costing.

  • Voucher has been budget checked if applicable.

Supplier Archival Business Rules

To be archived, supplier data must pass the following business rules:

  • Last activity date value is less than the archive as of date value, or the last activity date value is null and the supplier status value is equal to the to be archived value.

  • Supplier cannot have any payments on the Payment table.

    Payments must be archived prior to running the supplier archive process.

  • Supplier cannot have any voucher on the voucher table.

    Vouchers must be archived prior to running the supplier archive process.

  • Supplier may not have existing purchase orders that do not have a status of Complete, Canceled, or Pending Cancel.

  • Supplier may not also be linked to an active PeopleSoft Receivables customer.

Payment Request and Payment Request Message Archival Business Rules

To be archived, payment request and its related messages data must pass the business rule: Payment requests should be either Cancelled or Vouchered.