Correcting Errors

Page Name

Definition Name


Correct Duplicate Payments - Totals Page


Review deposit totals and delete duplicate deposits created by the payment interface.

See also Regular Deposit - Totals Page.

Correct Duplicate Payments - Payments Page


Provide detailed information for each payment in a regular deposit.

See also Regular Deposit - Payments Page.

Correct Duplicate Payments - Action Page


Select an action to save the deposit or delete the deposit.

See also Regular Deposit Balancing - Action Page.

Error correction involves comparing and matching your recorded business transactions with the bank transactions. If the totals or control amounts are out of balance on the Regular Deposit - Totals page, then the deposit is unbalanced. You must correct the errors.

Use these indications to determine whether the deposit is balanced:

  • If the difference on the Regular Deposit - Totals page is zero, then the deposit is balanced.

  • If the difference is not zero, then errors occurred.

  • If the control total amount and entered total amount are the same on the Regular Deposit - Totals page, then the deposit is balanced.

You can delete a deposit that has unmatched remittance information or you can balance unmatched deposits using the Regular Deposit Balancing component (BALANCING).

Note: The Regular Deposit Balancing component is available only if the deposit is out of balance.

Use the Totals page (PAYMENT_DATA1) to review deposit totals and delete duplicate deposits created by the payment interface.


  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Electronic Payments > Correct Duplicate Payments > Totals

  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Online Payments > Regular Deposit > Totals

  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Online Payments > Regular Deposit Balancing > Totals

Field or Control


Hold Duplicate

If this is not a duplicate deposit, deselect the Hold Duplicate check box and make the deposit available for payment processing. If this is a duplicate deposit, click the Delete Deposit button to delete the deposit.

This field is visible only if the Payment Loader process marked a lockbox deposit as a duplicate or if an EDI deposit contains duplicate payments.

Note: If no lockbox or EDI deposit errors occurred, the Correct Duplicate Payments component is unavailable.

Use the Correct Duplicate Payments - Payments page (PAYMENT_DATA2) to provide detailed information for each payment in a regular deposit.


  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Electronic Payments > Correct Duplicate Payments > Payments

  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Online Payments > Regular Deposit > Payments

  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Online Payments > Regular Deposit Balancing > Payments

Use the Correct Duplicate Payments - Action page (PAYMENT_DATA3) to select an action to save the deposit or delete the deposit.


  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Electronic Payments > Correct Duplicate Payments > Action

  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Online Payments > Regular Deposit Balancing > Action