Obtaining Dun & Bradstreet Information for a Customer

You can arrange to order credit reports from Dun & Bradstreet and load them directly into PeopleSoft Receivables. Dun & Bradstreet bills you for each report that you order. The interface with Dun & Bradstreet enables you to purchase these reports:

  • Business Verification.

  • Decision Support.

  • Delinquency Score.

  • Enterprise Management.

  • Financial Standing.

  • Quick Check.

Create a unique logon ID for the Dun & Bradstreet system for each SetID, if needed, so that you can have separate billing accounts for the different areas of your organization. You set up the login IDs on the D&B Account Information page, which you access from the Installation Options - Overall page.

When you purchase a report for a specific DUNS number, you see the last time that you purchased a report for that DUNS number as well as which report you purchased.

Review each report for a specific DUNS number, using the Dun & Bradstreet component (CUSTOMER_DB). Associate the report with a customer on the Dun & Bradstreet - Operations page.

If you want to review a Dun & Bradstreet report for a customer, you can access the report from the Credit Profile page or the Additional General Info page for the customer or the Account Overview - Profile page.

PeopleSoft Receivables supports using the Data Export Import Utility (DEIU) to upload Dun & Bradstreet reports by type in bulk. The DEIU tool is a data-mapping utility that enables you to map fields easily and to interface both incoming and outgoing data between source and target. You can map simple structures or modify complex mappings without having to alter the underlying PeopleCode, thus avoiding customizations. The Data Export Import Utility applies transformation rules to format the data with controls in order to meet third-party system requirements. See Understanding the Data Export Import Utility for more information.

You can import multiple D&B reports by type using these system-defined run control IDs:

DEIU Process ID

D&B Report Type


Business Verification


Decision Support


Delinquency Score


Enterprise Management


Quick Check

To import D&B reports using DEIU:

  1. Navigate to the Data Export Import Request run control page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Data Export Import Utility > Data Export Import Request). Select the process ID for the type of D&B reports you want to import. For example, use RUN_MAP_DB_BUVR to import multiple Business Verification reports.

  2. Attach D&B files with the same report type.

  3. Select D&B in the Actions group box.

  4. Click the Run button.

  5. Navigate to the Dun and Bradstreet page (Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Customer Information > Rev and Upd D&B Information). You can earch by SetID and DUNS number to access the imported reports as well as existing reports for a customer.

The reports are imported to PS_CUST_DB and PS_DB_REPORTS tables.