PeopleSoft Receivables Reports: A to Z

This table lists the PeopleSoft Receivables reports, sorted alphanumerically by report ID. The reports listed are Structured Query Reports (SQRs) and BI Publisher reports. If you need more information about a report, refer to the report details at the end of this appendix.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


System Function

Lists system functions. (SQR)

Set Up Financial/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Reports > List System Functions > System Functions



Entry Type/Entry Reason

Lists valid automatic entry information as of a specified effective date. (SQR)

Set Up Financial/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Reports > Entry Type Entry Reason > Entry Type Entry Reason



Auto Entry Type

Lists valid automatic entry information as of a specified effective date. (SQR)

Set Up Financial/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Reports > Auto Entry Type > Auto Entry Type



Item Entry Type

Lists valid item entry information as of a specified effective date. (SQR)

Set Up Financial/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Reports > Item Entry Type Report > Item Entry Type



Predictor Method By Customer

Describes the Payment Predictor methods used at the customer level to override the business unit default method. The report lists each method used in this manner followed by a list of customers that use it. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financial/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Reports > Predictor Method By Customer > Predictor Method By Customer



Predictor Method by SetID

Contains the steps involved in the Payment Predictor method used as the default for the specified SetID. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financial/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Reports > Predictor Method By TableSet > Predictor Method By TableSet



Group Control By Entry Date

Lists all group control records by entry date, shown in the entry currency. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Pending Items > Reports > Group Control By Entry Date > Group Control By Entry Date



Group Control for Business Unit

Lists all group control records by entry date, shown in the entry currency. Specify a point in time when you run the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Pending Items > Reports > Group Control - Point in Time > Group Control - Point in Time



Pending Item By Entry Date

Lists all pending items within a group, shown in either the business unit base currency or the entry currency. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Pending Items > Reports > Pending Item By Entry Date > Pending Item By Entry Date



Pending Items Within Group

Lists all pending items within a group, in either the business unit base currency or the entry currency. Specify a point in time when you run the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Pending Items > Reports > Pending Item - Point in Time > Pending Item - Point in Time



Item Detail

Shows item detail by line item, accounting date, entry type, description, terms, due date, and amount. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Pending Items > Reports > Item Detail > Item Detail



Item Detail by Due Date

Shows item detail by line item, accounting date, entry type, description, terms, due date, and amount. (BI Publisher)

Note: You must set up the contact information for a customer. This report does not display items if the customer contact information is not populated.

Accounts Receivable > Pending Items > Reports > Item Detail - Point in Time > Item Detail - Point in Time



Actual Matches Report

Lists pending items that the Automatic Maintenance Application Engine process created and set to post. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Maintenance > Automatic Maintenance > Actual Matches Report > Actual Matches Report



Potential Matches Report

Lists new worksheet items that the Automatic Maintenance process placed on maintenance worksheets. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Maintenance > Automatic Maintenance > Potential Matches Report > Potential Matches Report



Deposit Summary

Lists detailed information for deposits, in either the business unit base currency or the entry currency. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Payments > Reports > Deposit Control by Entry Date > Deposit Control by Entry Date



Deposit Control

Lists detailed information for deposits, in either the business unit base currency or the entry currency. (BI Publisher)

Important! When you run this report and select the Base Curr (base currency) as the Amount Type and do not enter a control currency in the Deposit field, there is no basis to convert, which results in a blank Control Amount column.

Accounts Receivable > Payments > Reports > Deposit Control - Point in Time > Deposit Control - Point in Time



Payment Detail

Lists detailed information for all payments within a deposit, in either the business unit base currency or the entry currency. The payment details are unavailable if the posting status is Not Posted. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Payments > Reports > Payment Detail > Payment Detail



Payment Detail

Lists detailed information for all payments within a deposit, in either the business unit base currency or the entry currency. Specify a point in time when you run the report. You must enter item references for each payment to have data in this report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Payments > Reports > Payment Detail - Point in Time > Payment Detail - Point in Time



Payment Summary

Lists status for all payments within a deposit, in either the business unit base currency or the entry currency. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Payments > Reports > Payment Summary > Payment Summary



Payment Summary

Lists the status for all payments within a deposit, in either the business unit base currency or the entry currency. Specify a point in time when you run the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Payments > Reports > Payment Summary - Point in Time > Payment Summary - Point in Time



Receivables Activity Report

Lists each receivable with an associated write-off. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results Upd Pend Items > Receivables Activity Report > Receivables Activity



Form 1099–C Cancellation of Debt

Required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States to summarize how much debt has been written off for a specific customer. (BI Publisher)

See Generating the 1099-C Report.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results-Upd Pend Items > Receivables 1099C Submit



Payment Predictor Detail

Lists predicted payments. If a remit from SetID and customer are associated with the payment, it is listed. If more than one remit from SetID and customer are associated with the payment, only one is listed. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Payments > Reports > Payment Predictor Detail > Payment Predictor Detail



Payment Predictor Summary

Lists Payment Predictor results by status and predictor method and algorithm. The number of payments is listed as a percentage of total number of payments predicted. A summary at the end of the report provides the number of payments predicted, number of payments not predicted, and each as a percentage of the total. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Payments > Reports > Payment Predictor Summary > Payment Predictor Summary



Unmatched MICR Identifiers

Lists MICR identifiers that appear on payments and that you have not defined on the customer MICR ID table. The system derives possible business units and customers for each MICR by looking at the items to which the payment was applied. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Payment > Reports > Unmatched MICR Identifiers > Unmatched MICR Identifiers



Aging Detail by Tree

Lists aged base currency open balances for every item. It is sorted and summarized by looking at a tree structure that you define for business units, collectors, team members, or credit analysts. (SQR)

See Generating Aging Reports.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Aging > Aging Detail by Tree Rpt > Aging Detail By Tree



Aging Summary by Tree

Lists aged base currency open balances for every customer, with the option to exclude interunit customers. It is sorted and summarized by looking at a tree structure that you define for business units, collectors, team members, or credit analysts. (SQR)

See Generating Aging Reports.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Aging > Aging Summary by Tree Rpt > Aging Summary By Tree



Aging Detail by Business Unit

Lists aged open balances for every item, with the option to exclude interunit customers. Balances may be reported in entry or base currency. When the currency amount type is base currency, a rate type may be provided. When a rate type is provided, the applicable rates from the rate table are applied to the entry amounts on the open items, giving run-time generated base amounts. If no rate type is provided, the base item amounts are reported. (SQR)

See Generating Aging Reports.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Aging > Aging Detail by Unit Rpt > Aging Detail By Unit



Aging Summary by Business Unit

Lists aged open balances for every customer. Balances may be reported in entry or base currency. When the currency amount type is base currency, a rate type is provided, the applicable rates are taken from the rate table and applied to the entered amounts on the open items, giving run-time generated base amounts. If no rate type is provided, the base item amounts are included in the customer balances. Select the entry currency to show subtotals by currency. (SQR)

See Generating Aging Reports.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Aging > Aging Summary by Unit Rpt > Aging Summary By Unit



Cash Forecast

Lists base currency balances by customer, categorized by user-defined forecasting categories and rounded to the nearest dollar. Includes a grand total if specified business units use the same currency. (SQR)

See AR30005 - Cash Forecast Report.

Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Customer Reports > Cash Forecast > Cash Forecast



Aging by Chartfield

Lists calculated aged receivables by customer, item and ChartField selection. Option to exclude interunit customers. (SQR)

See Generating Aging Reports.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Aging > Aging by Chartfield Rpt > Aging By Chartfield



Aging by Reason

Shows a summarized total of all deductions, items in collection, or disputed items by reason in either the base currency of the unit or the entry currency. Select the entry currency to show subtotals by currency. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Aging > Aging by Reason Rpt > Run AR30007



Aging Detail by Department

Shows the age of open balances for all items in a given department, totaled by contract number and grouped by customer ID and business unit. Select the entry currency to show subtotals by currency. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Aging > Aging by Department Report > Aging Detail By Department



TableSet Customers

Lists all customers and customer addresses within a TableSet. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Customer Reports > Customers by SetID > Customers By SetID



Business Unit Customers

Lists all customers and customer addresses within a business unit. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Customer Reports > Customers by Unit > Customers By Unit



TableSet Contacts

Lists all customers and customer contacts within a TableSet. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Customer Reports > Contacts by SetID > Contacts By SetID



Business Unit Contacts

Lists all customers and customer contacts within a business unit. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Customer Reports > Contacts by Unit > Contacts By Unit



Collections Workbench Statement Image

Same as ARX32000S, ARX32001, and ARX32002. This statement image is generated for the Collections Workbench.

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Statements > Create Customer Statements



Open Item Statement (NLD)

A customer statement model for the Netherlands that includes the acceptgiro attachment, which you can modify as necessary. It lists all open items for the customer, the total amount open, and an aging of open items. Options to print separate reports by contract number, or to print individual invoices and consolidated invoices together on the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Statements > Print Statements > Statement Print

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Statements > Create Customer Statements




Balance Forward Statements (with acceptgiro) (NLD)

Customer Statement model for the Netherlands that includes an acceptgiro attachment, which you can modify as necessary. It lists all new items and payments in the current statement period, balance forward amount or ending amount from the previous statement, and the ending balance for the current statement period. Option to print individual invoices and consolidated invoices together on the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Statements > Print Statements > Statement Print

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Statements > Create Customer Statements





Customer Statement Print

A customer statement model that you can modify as necessary. It lists all open items for the customer, the total amount open, and an aging of open items. Options to print separate reports by contract number, or to print individual invoices and consolidated invoices together on the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Statements > Print Statements > Statement Print

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Statements > Create Customer Statements




Balance Forward Statement

Customer Statement model that you may modify as necessary. It lists all new items and payments in the current statement period, balance forward amount or ending amount from the previous statement, and the ending balance for the current statement period. Option to print individual invoices and consolidated invoices together on the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Statements > Print Statements > Statement Print

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Statements > Create Customer Statements




Draft Customer Statement

The same as ARX32000/ARX32000S but in addition it lists the items that are closed but are in an open draft (accepted drafts that have not been collected). Option to print individual invoices and consolidated invoices together on the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Statements > Print Statements > Statement Print



Draft Statement

Lists the items that are in a draft. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Drafts > Reports > Draft Statement > Draft Statement



Draft Document

Includes the actual draft document for drafts that you have created, but have not been preapproved. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Drafts > Reports > Draft Documents > Draft Documents



Draft Summary by Customer

Lists the drafts that are still unpaid by the customer by the due date for a specified date range. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Drafts > Reports > Draft Reports > Draft Reports



Request Form for Drafts

Creates a form that can be submitted to a bank to show drafts that need to be discounted or collected. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Drafts > Reports > Remittance/Discount Form > Remittance/Discount Form



Dishonored Drafts

Lists all drafts that have a Dishonored status. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Drafts > Reports > Dishonor Activity > Dishonor Activity



EFT Draft Inbound Exception Report

List drafts that processed successfully and errors for draft remittance files sent by the bank. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Drafts > Reports > Draft Remit Exceptions Report



All Levels Dunning Letter

A dunning letter model that you may modify as necessary. It contains all past due items regardless of their age. The text that prints before the open items depends on your specifications on the Dunning Letter - Parameters page. Can be set up to print separate letters by contract number. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Dunning Letters > Print Letter > Dunning Letter Print


(NLD) ARX33A00

All Levels Dunning Letter (with acceptgiro)

A dunning letter model for the Netherlands that includes an acceptgiro attachment, which you can modify as necessary. It contains all past due items regardless of their age. The text that prints before the open items depends on your specifications on the Dunning Letter - Parameters page. Can be set up to print separate letters by contract number. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Dunning Letters > Print Letter > Dunning Letter Print



Level 1 Dunning Letter

Dunning letter model that you may modify as necessary. As delivered with the system, this letter includes only items in the age range for dunning level one. Can be set up to print separate letters by contract number. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Dunning Letters > Print Letter > Dunning Letter Print


(NLD) ARX33A01

Level 1 Dunning Letter (with acceptgiro)

Dunning letter model for the Netherlands that includes the acceptgiro attachment, which you can modify as necessary. As delivered with the system, this letter includes only items in the age range for dunning level one. Can be set up to print separate letters by contract number. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Dunning Letters > Print Letter > Dunning Letter Print



Level 2 Dunning Letter

Dunning letter model that you may modify as necessary. As delivered with the system, this letter includes only items in the age range for dunning level two. Can be set up to print separate letters by contract number. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Dunning Letters > Print Letter > Dunning Letter Print


(NLD) ARX33A02

Level 2 Dunning Letter (with acceptgiro)

Dunning letter model for the Netherlands that includes an acceptgiro attachment, which you can modify as necessary. As delivered with the system, this letter includes only items in the age range for dunning level two. Can be set up to print separate letters by contract number. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Dunning Letters > Print Letter > Dunning Letter Print



Level 3 Dunning Letter

A dunning letter model that you may modify as necessary. As delivered with the system, this letter includes only items in the age range for dunning level three. Can be set up to print separate letters by contract number. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Dunning Letters > Print Letter > Dunning Letter Print


(NLD) ARX33A03

Level 3 Dunning Letter (with acceptgiro)

A dunning letter model for the Netherlands that includes an acceptgiro attachment, which you can modify as necessary. As delivered with the system, this letter includes only items in the age range for dunning level three. Can be set up to print separate letters by contract number. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Dunning Letters > Print Letter > Dunning Letter Print



Customer Follow Up Letter

Generates a letter that contains the text that you define. Enter parameters to process all customers in one business unit or in multiple business units, or an individual customer. The system generates a letter for each customer that contains a follow-up letter code on the Conversations page for the customer. (BI Publisher)

See Generating and Printing Follow-Up Letters.

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Customer Follow-Up Letter > Customer Follow Up Letter



Dunning Letter Control

Shows the dunning letters that were printed from all dunning runs. For example, use to see which letter was last sent to a customer. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Dunning Letters > Print Letter > Dunning Letter Print



Dunning Letter Preview Report

Provides a preview of which dunning letters will print. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Dunning Letters > Print Letter > Dunning Letter Print



AR/AP Balance by Customer

Lists all open vouchers for each supplier ID that corresponds to the selected customer ID. It also lists all items for the customer. The vouchers are grouped by supplier ID, by Payables business unit within supplier and currency within Payables business unit. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Customer Reports > AR/AP Balance by Customer > AR_AP Balance by Customer



AR/AP Balances by SetID

Lists all open vouchers for each supplier ID that corresponds to all customer IDs within the selected SetID. It also lists all items for the customer. The vouchers are grouped by supplier ID, Payables business unit within supplier and currency within Payables business unit. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Customer Reports > AR/AP Balance by SetID > AR_AP Balance by TableSet



Customer Item Inquiry

Lists detailed item information by customer, including entry type, balance, reference, dispute, terms, and discount date. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > Item List > Item List

Select Generate an Open Item Report in the Item Action field and click Go on the Item List page.



Unrealized Gain and Losses by Doubtful Items from Revaluation Process

Lists doubtful items that have unrealized gain or loss after running the Revaluation Application Engine process (AR_REVAL). (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Revaluation > Unreal Gain Doubtful Items > Unrealized Gain and Losses by Doubtful Items from Revaluation Process



Memo Status Changes

Lists any memo status code and the operator ID for any changed memo status. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > Memo Status Change Report > Memo Status Changes



Overdue Charge Print

An overdue or finance charge invoice model that you may modify as necessary. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Overdue Charges > Print Overdue Charges > Overdue Charge Print



Direct Debit Remittance Advice

Generates the direct debit remittance advice to send to the bank. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Direct Debits > Administer Direct Debits > Update Direct Debits Worksheet

Click the Print icon on the Worksheet page.



EFT Direct Debit Inbound Exception Report

After the system has processed the bank remittance file sent by the bank, use to see if a direct debit was processed successfully or if an inbound exception was found. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Direct Debits > Remit to Bank > Bank Remit Exception Report > Bank Remit Exception Report



Accounting Entries

Shows detailed accounting entry information by accounting date in the business unit base currency. Lists accounting line information at either a detail or summary level. Detail shows all ChartField activity, summary level summarizes by ChartField (one line for each ChartField combination). (SQR)

  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Reports > Payment Accounting Entries > Accounting Entries

  • Accounts Receivable > Drafts > Reports > Draft Acctg Entries by Date > Accounting Entries

  • Accounts Receivable > Pending Items > Reports > Item Accounting Entries > Accounting Entries



Receivables Accounting Entries

Shows detailed accounting entry information by accounting date in the business unit base currency. It shows accounting line information at the detail level, including all ChartField activity. You specify a point in time when you run the report. (BI Publisher)

  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Reports > Acctg Entries - Point in Time > Accounting Entries - Point in Time

  • Accounts Receivable > Pending Items > Reports > Item Acctg Entries by Date



Receivables Accounting Entries - Summary by Accounting Date

Shows summarized accounting entry information by accounting date, in the business unit base currency. It shows one line for each ChartField for each accounting date. You specify a point in time when you run the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Pending Items > Reports > Item Acctg Entries by Date



Unit Activity

Shows a summarized picture of system activity. Presents the information in different ways depending on the sort options you select. The report always shows a beginning balance for a business unit, but it summarizes the activity for the period by entry type, entry type and entry reason, group type and origin, or activity and origin. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Receivables Reports > Business Unit Activity > Unit Activity



Item Activity by Entry Type

Shows a picture of business unit activity for a selected date range summarized by entry type and reason code. You specify a point in time when you run the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Receivables Reports > Business Unit Activity - PIT > Unit Activity - Point in Time



Item Activity by Group Type/Origin

Shows a picture of business unit activity for a selected date range summarized by group type and origin ID. You specify a point in time when you run the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Receivables Reports > Business Unit Activity - PIT > Unit Activity - Point in Time



Item Activity by Entry Type/Reason

Shows a picture of business unit activity for a selected date range summarized by entry type and reason. You specify a point in time when you run the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Receivables Reports > Business Unit Activity - PIT > Unit Activity - Point in Time



Item Activity by Activity Type

Shows a picture of business unit activity for a selected date range summarized by activity type, such as Billing or Cash Applied. You specify a point in time when you run the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Receivables Reports > Business Unit Activity - PIT > Unit Activity - Point in Time



Item Activity by Activity Type/Origin

Shows a picture of business unit activity for a selected date range summarized by activity type, such as Billing or Cash Applied, and origin ID. You specify a point in time when you run the report. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Receivables Reports > Business Unit Activity - PIT > Unit Activity - Point in Time



Pending Item Archive Candidates

Lists the pending item archive candidates. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Archive Receivables > Pending Candidate Report > Pending Archive Candidates



Payment Archive Candidates

Lists the payment archive candidates. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Archive Receivables > Payment Candidate Report > Payment Archive Candidates



Item Archive Candidates

Lists the closed item archive candidates. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Archive Receivables > Item Candidate Report > Item Archive Candidates



Statement Archive Candidates

Lists customer statements that are candidates to be archived. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Archive Receivables > Statement Candidate Report > Statement Archive Candidates



Action List Archive Candidates

Lists item and customer actions that are candidates to be archived. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Archive Receivables > Action List Candidate Report > Action List Candidate Report



Direct Debit Archive Candidate

Lists direct debits that are candidates to be archived. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Archive Receivables > Direct Debit Candidate Report > Direct Debit Archive Candidate



Action Status by Owner

Provides the total number of actions open, completed, and canceled for each action owner during the reporting period. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Actions > Action Status by Owner Rpt > Action Status by Owner Rpt



Condition Status by Owner and Customer

Provides the total number of open, completed, and canceled actions for each action owner during the reporting period. The report is sorted by customer and condition. (SQR)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Actions > Condition Status by Owner Rpt > Condition Status by Owner Rpt



Treasury Report on Receivables

U.S. Department of Treasury's means for periodically collecting data on the status and condition of the federal government's non-tax debt portfolio. Uses the TROR Application Engine process (AR_TROR_XML).

See Understanding Generating the TROR and Debt Collection Activities.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Upd Pend Items > Treasury Report on Receivables > Preparer



Federal Customer Statements

Contains customer summary information that shows the amount billed, earned, and collected for each customer. Also contains reimbursable details for each customer that is determined by gathering information from PeopleSoft General Ledger, PeopleSoft Contracts, and PeopleSoft Receivables. (PSJob)

Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Statements > Create Federal Statements > Statement Parameters



Customer Conversations

Contains a list of customer conversations by conversation date, including conversation description, conversation entered by, and comments.

  • Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Conversations > Customer Conversations Report > Customer Conversations

  • Accounts Receivable > Collections Workbench

    Click the Conversations tab then the Conversations Report link.

  • Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > Reports/Queries

    Click the Customer Conversations Report link on the Reports/Processes pagelet.



Miscellaneous Cash Receipt

Creates a cash receipt for a payment when the Deposit Type is Miscellaneous Receipts, with manually entered receipt information. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Payments > Online Payments > Regular Deposit > Payments

Click the Receipts link.



EFT File Cover Sheet

Creates a cover letter that you can send with the electronic funds transfer (EFT) file for all drafts or direct debits associated with a business unit that have a Remitted status. (BI Publisher)

Accounts Receivable > Drafts > Remit Drafts to Bank > Create EFT Payment Cover Sheet > Create EFT File Cover Sheet


See also the product documentation for PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.