Reviewing Service Purchase Pending Items in Receivables

A service purchase transaction, which is identified by a Service Purchase ID (SP_ID), is created in Pension Administration and is used to send messages to Receivables using Integration Broker to perform one of these activities:

  • Create open items (CRT)

  • Cancel a service purchase item (CNL)

  • Request a refund (RFD)

A service purchase transaction may contain multiple open items (installments). The message request code is CRT. Pension Administration assigns a separate message number to each open item, and Integration Broker sends a separate message.

Receivables validates the data and sends a CRT message back to Pension Administration indicating whether the data is valid or not.

You can review the Service Purchase pending items on the Online Pending - Pending Item 1 Page in the Pending Items component (Accounts Receivable > Pending Items > External Items > External Item Group Entry). The pending item group for a pending item with an SP_ID value is display-only because editing it could cause out-of-synch scenarios between Pension Administration and Receivables. The only available action is delete or create accounting entries; maintenance on the accounting entries is not allowed.

By default, the Group Action for the pending item group is set as Batch Standard so that the next time Receivables Update runs with proper parameters, this group will be posted. After the group is posted, Receivables sends a message through Integration Broker to Pension Administration communicating that the items were created successfully.