Reviewing the Source Accounting Entries for Journal Lines

This topic discusses how to link drill-down pages with accounting entry definitions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Accounting Entry Definition Page


Identify the drill-down pages for each accounting entry definition that the Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN) uses to generate journals for PeopleSoft Receivables.

See Linking Drilldown Pages with Accounting Entry Definitions.

See the Accounting Entry Definition Page for more information.

Journal Inquiry Page


Enter search criteria to retrieve a list of journals.

See the Journal Inquiry Page for more information.

Journal Inquiry Details Page


View journal lines for a journal and drill down to the source transactions in PeopleSoft Receivables.

See the Journal Inquiry Details Page for more information.

Drill to Source Page


Review the accounting entries for receivables items for entry event journals.

See the Journal Inquiry Details Page or the Drill to Source Page for more information.

Drill to Source Page


Review the accounting entries for direct journal deposits and cash control accounting entries for entry event journals.

To access the Drill to Source page, go to:

  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Direct Journal Payments > Journal Entry Drill Down > Drill to Source

  • Click the Drill to Source button for a journal line on the Journal Inquiry Details page.

You can view source transactions for PeopleSoft Receivables accounting entries from journal lines in PeopleSoft General Ledger for both standard and entry event journals. You search for journals in the Journals component (JOURNAL_INQUIRY) and drill down to source transactions for individual journal lines. The page that you access is based upon the selections that you made on the Accounting Entry Definition page.

You can also review source transactions for entry event journals directly from the menu in PeopleSoft Receivables.

Before you can view source transactions for a journal entry in PeopleSoft General Ledger, you must specify the exact type of information that you want to drill down to from the Journals component. To do so, you link a drill-down page with each accounting entry definition for which you generate journals.

Use the Accounting Entry Definition page (JRNL_GEN_ACCTG_DEF) to identify the drill-down pages for each accounting entry definition that the Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN) uses to generate journals for PeopleSoft Receivables.


General Ledger > Journals > Subsystem Journals > Accounting Entry Definition > Accounting Entry Definition

Select one of the accounting definition names in the following table. In the Page Name field, select the object name of the page that you want to view.

Accounting Definition Name

Drill-Down Page

Object Name



AR Item Drill


Displays standard accounting entries for items, such as invoices and payments, that you created online or during background processing. This page does not display direct journal payments and revaluation entries.


AR Paymisc Drill


Displays standard direct journals and cash control entries created in PeopleSoft Receivables.


AR Rvl Drill


Displays standard accounting entries created to record gains and losses from the revaluation of foreign currencies.


Journal Drill Down


Displays entry event accounting entries for items, such as invoices and payments, that you created online or during background processing. This page does not display direct journal payments and revaluation entries.


Journal Drill Down


Displays entry event direct journals and cash control entries created in PeopleSoft Receivables.

Select the Cross-Product Drill Down check box.